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Crash - Luckily not the Corrado!

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I'm looking for a bit of advice about an accident I’ve just been involved in - luckily it was in my run around mondeo and not the corrado!


What happened was I turned left down down a little side road and spun round to come back out of it. A woman in front of me had just done exactly the same so i was left sort of sideways across the road until she moved forward once the lights changed.


Anyway she decided she was too far forward and reversed straight back into the front corner of my car - cracking the front bumper and popping the indicator lense off - typically there wasn't a spot of damage on her car.


We both got out and started looking at the damage and then her partner appeared from around the corner. He said that it was totally my fault as I had done an illegal manoeuvre. I argued and said she'd done exactly the same and had reversed into me without looking (which she admitted to).


Because it's an old car and there's a few scrapes and whatever on it I said give me 20 for a new indicator and call it quits - I thought I’d be nice to them as I couldn't be bothered with all the hassle of going through the insurance (which is my dads as it's a trade insurance).


Her partner said no way and that as I was in the "wrong" they weren't going to pay - at which point I lost me temper a little bit and "raised my voice". After a few minutes of me asking for the money and them refusing I decided we were getting no-where so said OK we'll go through the insurance - at which point they said they'd give me half the money I was asking. I said they could bring it round tonight because I had had enough and just wanted to get home.


Anyway, now I’m thinking of going through the insurance just on the principle of the thing but I'm not sure if I was in the wrong or not so was wondering if anyone could help?


Thanks for reading through all this!!

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Damn them - IT WAS HER FAULT!!! go throught the insurance and take them for every panny - people like that do my head in :shock:

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sod that get the cops involved and then she can be charged with undue care and attention and get thier insurance up a good bit.

did anyone get hurt ?

try that,like how would he know anyway if he wasnt there...


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I thought it was her fault but I just wanted to make sure before it goes any further - to be honest I don't really care about my car as it's all battered up anyway but I offered them a cheap and reasonable way out of it and they've refused so now I think i'll make them pay!


Luckily it was only a light hit and she didn't manage to get much speed up so no-one was hurt which I suppose is the main thing.

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Mondy-if there are no independent witnesses to confirm she was at fault I think the insurance (robbers) co. will just say it's a 50:50 situation & you will waste your time trying to pursue it & end up feeling even more pis*ed off.

If, they turn up with a tenner I think that in itself unfortunately would be a result in the circs.

Just have to put it down to experience me old mucker. :cry:

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hmmm, tricky, as although its predominantly her fault, you may be liable for a proportion of the blame. Even though you were static, your road positioning could be used against you.

IMO if you're not that bothered, i wouldnt go through all the hassle of dealing with insurance companies and the slight risk you NCB could be affected if you are decided to be responsible for even the slightest part of the accident.


The only reason for going ahead would be either to

A: seek revenge for thier attitude.

B: try for a cash settlement if the car was written off.


TBH, i cant see either option being worth the hassle.

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Firstly i would advise that you report the incident with your insurance company. You are not obliged to make a claim but they do ask their policy holders to tell them of any changes in their driving history. This will also mean that they can advise you on what the likely outcome will be, should you wish to make a claim against this woman


I work as a first response new claims advisor, and i can see from the unusual circumstances you've given, that liability could be disputed by yourself and the other driver.


Am i right in saying that you were stationary at the time of the impact?? If that is the case, then she has reversed in to a vehicle without looking. If not, then a claim could result in split liability. Very difficult to discuss without full circumstances to hand.


The police wont be interested at all. They normally will only attend the scene of an RTA if it resulted in serious injuries.


One option you have, is to inform your insurance co, but tell them you wish to hold off repairs until third party liability is established. That way, if you get the outcome you hoped for, you can then make repairs knowing it wont affect your policy and that any XS will be returned to you. However, if you take this option and it (for example) results in split liability, you can either walk away with no cost to you or proceed with the claim.

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I got my own credit hire company ....... and trust me mate, for the sake of principle and £20.00 its NOT worth while!


The amount of time yours going to spent on the phone to your insurance company, and them contacting the 3rd parties insurance and so on .... and drawing those stupid drawing/diagrams ...... it will just get you worked up and waste your time!


And as a claim .... trying to prove she reversed in to you is going to be your word against hers.


She will obivously tell her insurance company you drove in to her (which commonly happens, rather than people putting their car in reverse when they should be driving forward).... or even say nothing like that ever happened ...


So ... in my opinion, I would leave it ..... and if I was that cheesed-off .... I would use other means to get even!

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Thanks for all the replies and advice - after taking everything into account I'm probably going to leave it - I can glue the lense back onto the indicator and it's just another crack in the bumper at the end of the day.

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KeystarG60... not sure what its like up your neck of the woods but down here in devon plod attend every rtc they're notified of.

typically all participants receive a seven day wonder to produce documents, anybody obviously at fault is reported for appropriate offences at the scene.

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WTF? I wondered why I never saw any "busies" down 'yer when some poor so*s getting the cr*p kicked out of them, they must be too busy going to every single RTA instead. :scratch:

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if you can fix it yourself for less than 50-100 quid its not worth it as you end up hamring your insurance whatever. even if you dont loose your no claims it will be on file, and insurance companies dont like it. and what happens if its a 50/50 claim

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