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help me sort out this ICE bodge!

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I put my headunit into the car at the weekend and found....



installed by halfarts according to the recipt for the old radio...nice one!


ARGH! not good... So does anyone have a guide as to what colour wires are for what? any any ideas of how to sort it out? I was going to try and get some proper connectors to join the wires, that should do it shouldnt it?

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Depends what's under the tape? If it's just twisted wire, then yes, replace with bullet connectors... (make sure that the male bullet is on the -ve side of the connection!)


If it's some connector block or something similar then I'd be tempted to leave it as it is...


Colour codes are for the stereo DIN plugs are:


Red: +ve (Ignition IIRC)

Yellow: +ve (Permanent IIRC)

Black: -ve

Blue: Accessory power supply (for electric aerial/amp switch etc...)


Striped cables are -ve speakers


White:Front Left +ve

Green:Rear Left +ve

Purple:Rear Right +ve

Gray:Front Right +ve


If you've already got a stereo wired in and the fade/balance is correct on the stereo then you'll know which wire in the car is which from what it's already connected to... :D


HTH... :D 8)

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from the looks of things its twisted wires, so I'll get a connector block and sort it out that way. Ta for the wire colour info...any ideas on the on the colours codes for the original wires so i can match them up?

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Like I said before, if the speakers respond to the existing stereo then just connect 'em in the order they're already in... :D If not, then I'll have a look at mine later and get you the colours if someone else doesn't do it first... 8)

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If I was you id go to the scrappies and get a proper iso block out of a car there. Cut it out with enough slack to make rejoining the wires easy, then twist and solder.

Should be easy enough as the wires will be the same colour so its just a case of matching them. Your new headunit should then plug straight in.

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Yeah, I agree with Joe M, get a new block and solder for a better connection, if you do it right it will last!


I would also check the power as mine was similar to yours when i got it except half my wires were bare due to shite electrical tape used and I also had 5v going through my earth (don't ask) - I suppose this is a sign of a stereo being nicked at some point and the theives just cutting through the loom, which is not unlikely on a 10 year old sports car which had no alarm as standard!

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ok, you cant see this too clearly on the photo, but the red and the yellow wires from the headunit that handle the power are wired to the same place, meaning my headunit is always on (unless i take the face off) from what Henry said i think the red wire (ignition power) is connected to the wrong place...any clues as to where it should be? as i cant see any loose/spare wires!


Not too much of a problem, except i'm putting an amp in, so I dont want that to be perminantly on too. Can i just fit a switch to the blue accessory wire if i cant sort the headunit ones out?

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Erm, it HenNy! :roll:


If you connect the switched live on the amp to the blue wire on the head unit as you suggest, the amp will only be on when the head unit is switched on... My amp and head are wired permanently live for both ignition and +ve on the head unit as it's nice to be able to have the stereo on without having the keys in it.


The amp will be controlled by the on/off button on your head unit if you connect it this way, otherwise, if you really want it on the ignition switch, it's time to dig out a multimeter and go searching for a switched ignition live... There should be one floating around in there somewhere :? as it was connected to the original head units fitted by VAG... :)


Good luck... 8)

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