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Glenn- if you are talking of Glenn Cooper, he sold his Nothelle Corrado to John Munyard which now longer exists, or rather is broken.

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Glenn- if you are talking of Glenn Cooper, he sold his Nothelle Corrado to John Munyard which now longer exists, or rather is broken.


Yes John did quite a job on that I understand. Under side took quite a beating.


The VW Motorsport VSR I bought originally from Glenn. I had it polished and replaced my Schrick VGI with it. I don't like the Schrick - such an ugly piece of kit and looks "wrong" in a Corrado engine bay. When I decided to sell the VR6 I removed all the aftermarket parts and Guy H had the VSR for his supercharged Storm giving me his standard inlet manifold from his Storm. I think the VWM VSR then found it's way back to Glenn for his Nothelle which then came to John.


Dom L got my 268 Schricks

Andy B the Milltek sports cat and back box


I've just seen some recent photos of my old Corrado. Tugs at the heart strings I can tell you but looks like you've all done a good job of keeping him in shape. He was always a him - never a her btw. No woman I know made that kind of noise from her rear end. ;)


Oh and Greg Dawson's missus... Everything you heard is only half the story! :D

Edited by kieron

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Anyone remember those classic theads about the 'Tippex' corrado, and the legendary one about 'Angel Eyes' :lol:


Haha! The Tippex Corrado! :D

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Yes that's the car. I think the original thread was on the old Yahoo group. Not everyone either has the skill or the deep pockets to pay others and it wasn't so much that the workmanship was so poor but more the whole situation in which everyone was introduced to it. I think it was at the first Inters at Bruntingthorpe. So that's 2002-4? Something like that.


It's a long time ago and you don't always recall accurately but I remember this guy coming over to the CCGB parking area and before even saying hello just started ripping into everyones cars saying how awful they all looked, the style was old and staid etc. I mean really ripping in too. Not the greatest way to win friends and the ultimate response was inevitable given that introduction.


To this day I've no idea whether the guy was a comic genius, a wind up merchant, had issues or what, but he then showed us his self proclaimed "Best Corrado in the world". It was weird. There was no animosity and in fact the whole exchange was light hearted but he then showed us his car which became known as the "Tippex Corrado".


It looked like it had survived a crash and been stuck back together with glue and tape. Nothing was straight and of course those wipers hand painted with emulsion.


Pack mentality took over and given his abuse to us he got murdered. Feel a little bit uncomfortable about that 10+ years later as the guy genuinely looked crest fallen but he didn't do himself any favours.


Was an odd situation and had he not trashed every single one of our cars perhaps it would have been a non-event but as it was the "Tippex Corrado" was born. :)

Edited by kieron

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I'm reading this whole thread with much amusement, brings back good memories.


I am afraid that my memory isn't so good for names from 10+ years back but did any of you guys come on that crazy CCGB trip to Bournemouth in summer 2002? Basically was a massive ****up weekend with a vague Corrado theme ;)


I remember Guy H, Dom L, Alex Posegill and Sarah (G60 bird) being there plus a **** load of others that I have unfortunately forgotten names of (sorry guys!)

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The only Corrado theme for that weekend was that we all turned up in Corrados. :)


Was too ****ed to remember much but I do remember going into a chinese in Old Christchurch Road, wasn't the Mandarin as mates family own that, and the waitresses said something in Cantonese to each other.


Guy looked annoyed and called over the manager and then in one of the most surreal moments of my life Guy launched into a full on, full throttle verbal assault on the manager in fluent Cantonese!!!!! Turns out the waitresses were be muttering things like "These filthy English fat pigs want a table". The manager was mortified and the waitresses jaws hit the floor.


Then the penny dropped... Of course - he'd been in Hong Kong much of his life and was fluent in the language.


Their faces when they realised they'd been rumbled. Man that was a moment, a proper priceless moment. One to cherish!


PS. Alex Posegill... always in sweat pants and always fiddling with his bollocks. I'll dig through my old photos as if there is a photo of the guys there's bound to be one of him fiddling with his nuts.

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PS. Alex Posegill... always in sweat pants and always fiddling with his bollocks. I'll dig through my old photos as if there is a photo of the guys there's bound to be one of him fiddling with his nuts.


He's an Enfield boy, that is what they do ;)


I remember on that weekend, he brought a mate along who was a bit of a "G" and Guy started winding this kid up, this was when we were kicking the whole event off at the first bar but were several pints up already. He sat next to the kid on a bench style table so he almost had him squashed up against the side (no escape). Then Guy put his leg up on a stool and said "feel that leg" the kid looked puzzled.....then really agressively he said "Go on feel it" and grabs the kids hands and made him feel his leg.......I was ****ing myself


Then Guy and Alex fell out over some crap and someone ended up in "beer" tears


I just remember waking up that morning with the taste of Garlic sauce engrained into my mouth :)

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I was the one who spotted the white corrado storm in the car park at Edition 38. Someone then found the pictures on fotopic and the thread started. 'Ultra Rare White Corrado storm' was a hint of irony that some people didn't originally get the gist of.


GTI international at Bentwaters was a lasting memory. Wendy had booked a cottage for the weekend and Guy Hartley turned up in late Saturday night after a spirited drive back from Worthersee. You could hear his Golf R32 from miles away being driven like it was on a rally special stage.




94 Flash Red 16v

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OMG - this thread is dragging them out of the wood work. Hi Neil !


Guy was also on form that night along with Bill Aitken and Alex Pose Gil again !!!

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