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Wing Mirrors

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Just a quick question, I was warming up my car in the moring and noticed that the drivers mirror was streaming :shock: , i started to worry but notices that it started to demist, however this didnt happent to the passengers side.


Do we have power heated mirrors on a 94 VR :?:

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yep,they are both heated,but the elements are pretty fragile though,only the drivers side mirror demists on mine now,the passenger side used to when i first got it

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Cheers dazzyvr6,


same as mine, will i need to get a whole unit or just the mirror to solve the problem with the passenger side?


You can Imagine my suprise this morning when i saw it demist, I never thought that the C had this option.

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Not really connected to the drivetrain, unless you have a highly modified C? ;)


Moving to Exterior.

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I got a question on this subject ish. Some W----r hit my wingmirror on my passat today cracking the mirror glass. i have heated mirrors. on my last car when i put a replacement mirror glass on to the original broken one it really slowed down the effect of the heated demisting thing. so much so it practically rendered it useless.


not wanting to go through this again. Is there a way of getting the old mirror glass off without damaging the elements?


The mirror galss hasn't smashed to smithereens just cracked in the outside bottom corner.

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