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Anyone know what the EGM is all about? In the letter in mentions finances and then in the post for webmaster is emboldened "reasonable expenses"? :?: :?: :?:

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Brian Rose the chairman and treasurer of the club has now left the club for reasons that will become clear at the EGM so basically we will hopefully be putting forward names for new candidates for the role and get the club up and running on top form again

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For reasons that will become clear can everyone that is a member please make and effort to attend the AGM.


Ant is correct but i would kindly ask that this subject be not debated about on here untill everyone is brought upto speed.


please do not start jumping the Gun Etc Etc.


Im sure the regional hosts will back me up on this.

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Well just to say I shall be there assuming I haven't managed to kill myself before then

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I'll definately be going as Gaydon is such a short drive away.. bit of a surprise that Brian Rose left though! :(

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I should think so Chris.. no word about cancelling it so i'd say its still go :)

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assuming I haven't managed to kill myself before then


Just put yer head in the oven - works everytime for me........ :lol:

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It'll be the usual venue for *GM's - The Gaydon National Motor Heritage Museum.. exceptionally good location as its about a 30 minute drive away for me.. just nip up the A46 and then down the M40 for about 15 mins :)


As you are a CCGB member, you should get a letter through in the next few days.

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Just to follow up jims directions its just off of junction 12 of the M40 a few of us usually meet at the services at junction 11 an hour or so before the AGM just to have a chat and whatever and leave for the EGM in convoy. At the AGM earlier on this year 20+ of us met there and then proceeded on to the heritage museum in convoy. Shame the bloke a couple of cars in front of me decided to take us the wrong way up the M40 I was just following until it dawned on me that we were going the wrong way so the five of us that went the wrong way ended up having a very fast 12mile detour at times we were doing speeds in excess of 145mph to try and catch up with the others! what a laugh do you remember that mark16v LOL

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we were doing speeds in excess of 145mph to try and catch up with the others! what a laugh do you remember that mark16v LOL


Ahem - I was only doing 70 mph ociffer :wink:


Yeah that person that took the wrong turning, well I won't name names - oh all right then I will! - MARKOS. Still it was a laugh trying to catch up with the rest of them :p That gave the 16V a good old spanking :wink:


I can't make it to this one though - the G.F's birthday the day before so I may be still over the limit on the Sunday (and maybe Monday :lol: )




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Thanks very much Mark16v, nice of you to not mention my name!


In my defence, the Corrado up ahead of me was in the lane I was in then shot off to the other slip road with no warning whatsoever at the last minute. There was no signs at that junction to say which way, and I didn't want to risk the same manouvre as there was no time to look... so a bit of a journey was preferable to slamming into another C! Pleasant detour though eh boys? Not that I asked anyone to follow me though... would never have done that with my sense of direction!


Banana man, is your G60 tweaked? Certainly kept right up with my VR!



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No offense ment Markos - I guess we were just as guilty for blindly following you! :salute:


See you at Woburn then?




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No probs Mark. Am aiming to get to Woburn and the EGM, though it will depend on work etc... so hopefully will catch up with everyone there.



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Yeah I ve had a few bits and pieces done under the bonnet Markos though I dont think it's as quick as it wa sdue to a tuner wont mention names again but he knows who he is needs to be setup on the rollers after I ve got the itercooler fitted then it will be on top form once again. Shall we say meet at those services again at 11am and leave in convoy again and this time we should get it right in the direction we are going in LOLright hand lane cant go wrong :D

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Could well do, and yes, the right hand lane is/was the right one to go for!


I'm sure everyone will be there around that time, will chat to the London 'posse' in advance and see if there is a convoy to tag on to.



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