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fiiting a new distribitor

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fiiting a new distribitor on a 1.8 16v , anyone done it and know how to do it again? or is it a garage job? im quite interested to try and do it (rather than just cvhange hall sender) and then do my own timing but ive no experience in this area at all.


thanks guys.


ps couldn't find what i wanted on search

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This is how I did it.


Make a mark on the old dizzy and were it meets the head so that you know how every thing lines up. Undo the two bolts either side of the dizzy and carefully pull it out. Then line up the new part with the head looking at the marks left on the old one and then tighten up the bolts. Swap over the HT leads etc and check the timing.


Mine needed a little adjustment on the timing but it wasn’t far out :wink:

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Well start by taking to 2 long silver clips off (Which connects the cap to the dizzy) and pull off the cap , this just gets the cap outta the way. And then take out all the leads from the cap (Make sure you know where they go!)


TAKE NOTE OF THIS: MARK WHERE YOU ARE TAKING IT OFF! (UNless you got timing gun of course, cos I didnt and my timings all off now! :lol: DOH!)


Then unbolt the bolts on the inside of the dissy holders and put them somewhere safe. After taking these bolts off the dissy should come out easily, and unclip the lead that goes into it. Took me aages to find out how to do it but what you need to do it take out the silver arc shaped thing in there and then it should unclip.


To put it back on is basically just reversing what you did. (Halfords way of explaining!)


But make sure you get timing right.


edit: DOH beaten to it, but you missed a bit JBOB!

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cheers guys. very very clear on how to do it.


haynes mentions setting it to tdc first then taking apart but id rather hear it from experience than a manual anyday.


im trying to avoid doing the timing as i dont have a timing light as yet!!!!!


can't do it today anyhow as ive got to drive the car tommorow and dont want to muck up the timing when the cars needed coz once it starts its a beaut but im very sure its the hall sensor that messing me a bout. got a new dizzy cheap so fitting the whole thing next weekend :D



once ive got all this done i just ahve to work on some bodywork come spring .... yeee hah


thanks again.

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was a lot easier than thought disconnected two plugs one from hall other from isv (i think). marked up position of bolts and where the casing was on the engine block and noted what way the rotor arm was facing. undid bolts carefully slipping it out. did reverse and hey bingo worked less than 15 min job.



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exactly .... :( see other post.


i just thought id share what id found as i thought it was going to be a lot more difficult and was thinking of distributer with splines that actually go into the engine and stuff.



now if i can only find whats causing my starting issues....... argh its not the dizzy anyway.

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