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Paul B

My 16v Corrado (Updates)

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Apparently a house further down the street was burgled the same night, it was the same shits that did that. They've been caught and charged though, but they'll be out doing the same thing in 3 months time or get let off.


In the mean time I think I'm going to try and get my old Golf CL roadworthy so I can use that as a daily driver and keep the Corrado at my mum and dads house which would be loads safer and would mean I could get stuck into getting the bodywork really up to scratch.


Bally, you missed a good day at AMD shame you couldn't make it.


Adam apologies for the pics of PRD in not such a good state, I assure you it'll be up to scratch again in no time :)


Alex, I may be in touch about the tailgate, although I managed to pick one up locally.


Matthew1985, where abouts were you then? Were you in your Corrado? I saw a black one going down the southbound carriage way, I think it was someone off here. I'm alomost sure it had dark Porsche D90's on it. Could be wrong though.


Finally, I'll be changing the early grille at some point!

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Just realised it was the forum RR day on sunday at Stealth! We had one down at AMD which was good, there were 3 Corrado's there, 2 16v's and a VR6.

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If theyve been caught, can you not press charges to get some compensation? Bit of a long shot perhaps...

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Bit of an update, fitted some new rims. Bit on the small side but I like them, it'll look a load better once I sort out some new suspension.


Also got round to fitting my new exhaust supplied by Darren G-Werks, thanks mate :)


Here's a couple of pics





Hopefully the summer will bring some new mods including having the paint sorted and some coilovers. Might go for an engine conversion but that won't be for a while, either that or I'll sell it and get myself a G60 or a VR. Got quite attached to this 16V though!

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No they're Azev C's, bit more rounded than the A's. Only paid £100 for them but they need refurbing properly. I gave them a quick paint job with some Halfords 'Aluminium' paint. Didn't come out too bad I don't think.


Thanks for the nice comments :)

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