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146 Jockey

Zymol V Swissol

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Quick question, are they more or less the same products?. I have a tornado red C and want to invest in some good waxes. Looked on the Zymol website and what I can gather prices for starter packs start at £117. Has anyone got a recommendation for me to start with. I have been using Aotuglym but was told the above are better. TIA,




P.S. This topic has probably been talked about at length already, just have been lazy.

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146 Jockey,


They are similar products but different if you know what I mean.


The SWISSOL waxes are easier to apply and remove, even if you have left them on the car for a period of time, whereas the Zymol one tends to bake on.


The SW Cleaner Fluid in my opinion is easier and less messy to use, and gives a better result quicker, than the ZY HD Cleanse.


Both are high quality products that will give you a superb result.


The only other thing that I will say is that you can get a 10% discount on the SWISSOL range from me, and the Entry kits start at £110 delivered to you. The contents are different to the Zy ones, but you get a neat cooler bag to keep everything in as opposed to a cardboard container...


Have a look at my web site for more info, or send me an email.



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Don't know why I'm posting this as no-one has ever listened before on any BBS but, you might be wasting rather a lot of money on those fancy waxes. I was recently at a Subaru meet and one of the guys had just finished Zymolling his car. I'm sorry to say that mine was just as shiny, hadn't been waxed in 2 months and cost £145 less. After a brief rain shower the water reticulation was just as good too. Yes, I too have used Autoglym (and still do for a quick tart up in winter), but nothing has ever come close to Simoniz Original for shine, water repelency or durability, and at just £5 a tin (at least 6 full applications) it's a bargain. Downsides are that it is hard work to apply (3 hours per coat, 2 coats 2-4 times a year) and Holts have taken over Simoniz and being as it doesn't sell well, it will probably be discontinued. If it is, I don't care 'cos I have 20 tins in my garage, LOL.

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Think you have hit it on the head...with the time you take to apply the wax. It is very hard work as I used to use it as well, but it is only a wax and you still need other products to clean the paint before hand. The fancy waxes, as you call them, can do the whole car in an hour or less and are effortless to apply and take off, SWISSOL anyway, Zymol is a little harder. At £5 a tin and at least 6 full applications that works out at about 83p a go, at 6 hours a time. The others start at around £39 give you about 40 complete waxings and take an hour, so it still only works out at 97p a time and much quicker.


As you say it might not be around for much longer as it is not a quick seller....as it is very hard work maybe....



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i used to use the cheaper waxes(£5 a tin jobbies)then i bit the bullet and bought the swissol waxes and i wont be going back to using the cheaper waxes

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I am new to the forum so I don't want to step on anyones toes, :oops: but I was looking for a good combo for washing and waxing without taking a out a "small loan" :).I did read up on the Swissol range and the posts in here and from what I can gather produces very good results.I also looked at the P.T.F.E range of cleaners "never need to wax again" :lol: and at around £50 for a starter was tempted.

I can say I have found a combination that I am very pleased with and has cost me less than £18.

I use Turtlewax Zipwax to wash the car(gives a good finish on its own)1 litre bottle does 60 washes.I use zymol cleaner wax to give that mirror like shine,and if you follow all the instructions fully you will not be dissapointed.All available from Halfords.

Zymol recommend minimum 3-4 waxes a year,but a 500ml bottle would generously do 1/month for a year if you wanted to.

I am very happy with the immediate results,have yet to see if it lasts,but at less than £18 haven't lost much either. 8)

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Each to their own combinations and it depends what you want and the finish that you are happy with.


PTFE cleaners..never need to wax again.........!


Be carful with the Zip Wax, as prolonged exposure to you clock bits will eventually turn them grey. Always used to on my old Polo and Mk1.



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I've heard good things about meguairs 3 step stuff. It's pricey, but it supposed to work superbly on darker hued cars with slight scuffs and polish swirls.

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I've used meguairs 3 step very impressive results but a long shift with three different steps i was told ur better with the clay bar first pure polish second then the gold class wax. i'm going to try the gold class next wax i'll let u know if its any better

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I had the Meguairs wheel cleaner that was supposed to be safe to use on any type of wheel. Think it may be one of the only products to claim this. It brought the polished outer rims of my BBS out in spots. Which took me ages to polish off, about 2 hours a wheel!! This really put me off buying anything from Meguairs again.



P.S. Incase anybodys intrested I now used autoglym wheel cleaner on them with out any problem. Its great stuff! I'm now a big fan of autoglym!

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i used to use the cheaper waxes(£5 a tin jobbies)then i bit the bullet and bought the swissol waxes and i wont be going back to using the cheaper waxes


I thought the point was that most other waxes are abrasive hence the shine as you are taking a fine layer of paint off each time. But with the more expensive ones you are in fact protecting the paint and feeding to prevent the paint oxidising with time.


( :? Been brain washed with the marketing hype :? )

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