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Anyone re-used speakers?

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As the title says, can I put my old bassy ported hifi speakers into the c, powered by the rear speaker cables? I intend to remove the tweeters and just use the woofers from ex hifi speakers?

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depends on what car stereo you have ....most will take 4 to 8 ohms these days.

You may find just using the woofers sounds rather flat ....i'de recommend fitting the tweeters and if poss the crossover as well

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if you insist on using your home stuff...id leave the speakers in the cabinets they came in, theyre made to work in a box , and will have all the x overs built in


if you take em apart and run no x over the woofer will be trying to play high freq that the tweeter played

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Thanks for the advice guys - was gonna rip the 'crossover' out and wire straight from the connection plate into the woofer. I'll leave the thing in and see how it sounds...

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I going to assume that these aren't going to be mounted in the engine bay, and move this thread ;)

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To be honest mate, i'd probobly take gradeAfailure up on his offer. House speakers were designed to go in the house, not in the car.


Have you ever looked at the wattage of house speakers compared to the wattage or car ones?

House spaekers usually start from around 50 watts and when you turn them up you have the neighbours complaining (from Alaska!)

Whereas 50watt car ones, you'll be hard pushed to catually hear.

As discussed, this is partly due to the ohmage but it also has a lot to do with the resonance of the car, everything vibrates in a car which saps A LOT of sound.


If you run the house speakers, you'll end up damaging either the head unit (won't like the ohmage from the speakers) or the speakers(won't like the wattage from the head unit).

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Already pm'ed gradeAfailure, in anticipation of total project failure. It's one of those things when you know it'll go wrong but do it anyway to see what happens :) I just had these speakers lying around...

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I reember doing this exact same thing on my first car and it sounding a bit rubbish. Then again it's all down to the headunit and mine was about 10 years old and looked on it's last legs at the time.....


Remember.... bootsales are your friend when it comes to cheap car audio. It's amazing what people will rip out to replace.

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The other prob with using hifi speakers in a car is that they're not designed to cope with the extremes of temperature and humidity that occur :wink:

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