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Someone hit my car and drove off

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What would you do if someone drove into your car outside your house, caused a nice bit of damage (needs a new door according to the head painter in work, frame is twisted, side impact beam is bent and skin is seperated from the frame) and drove off without letting you know?


I have a fair idea who it was, should I pop into them and casualy ask if they saw anything happen?


Crappy pic




At least its not one of the VW's

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surely with that sort of impact there must be some of your paintwork or damage at least on their car??? - check if there is and then go back with a copper and ask why they let the scene of an accident etc..........

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give them the opportunity to own up without the presence of a copper


if not bring in the feds!



then piss in their petrol tank

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Depends how you get on with the said suspect I suppose. Obviously not of good character to have done a runner in the first place, and not a chance of not knowing they had done it as an excuse.


Had similar happen to me but the lorry had no damage to its rusty girder of a bumper. Hopefully it's done plenty of terminal damage to theirs so you can get the police round to confirm it.


If that doesn't work I suppose threats of accidental bodily harm may help resolve the issue, if you're sure it was them of course.

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The other car has not been around since, so I can't check for damage, it looks more like someone reversed into it, as the damage is restriced to that section of the door, and its more or less pushed straight in, there is no damage on the 1/4 or towards the front like you would expect if a car ran along the side of it.

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And y'know what, we just scrapped a load of Micra doors at work!


(It looks like a late Micra to me, apologies if its not!)

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Its a 00 Micra, the wifes car, well its supposed to be the wifes car, but she seems to think that the Corrado is hers and the G40 is mine, so I'm not sure who's its supposed to be :lol:


Think I might pop up to the cop shop after work to report it and let them take an official note of the damage.

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Well I'd politely go round and ask whether they saw anything as you say, then ask where the other car is, and if that gets heated call the police. I went the good will, insurance will sort it out route and ended up with a bill for £400 so wouldn't think twice about getting some legal backup next time round.

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give them the opportunity to own up without the presence of a copper

if not bring in the feds!

then piss in their petrol tank


the opportunity to own up was when it occurred - not as if its a slight scratch that may not have been noticed!!!


FCUK 'EM - get the feds...........

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I feel for you. I parked my C in tesco car park in cork and some langer in a 4x4 left an awful 6" scrape/dent just on my drivers wheel arch as he was pulling out i reckon! Gutted.

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yep i've got a lovely mark on the rear bumper of mine i say a mark...the paints all cracked and in one place down to black plastic,never found out who did that,she'll be getted sorted out this year though all new an shiney bless her :)

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