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Supercharged VR6

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I am seriously thinking about a supercharger for my VR6.


I have been browsing through the various types and suppliers. Going by what I've seen on the web the z-engineering DIY kit seems to be the best option out there at the moment @ £2,500.


Finding someone who can give first hand (un-biased) experience on this mod is very dificult indeed. Just today in the forum someone wrote about compression ratios etc. and suggested that, fitting the charger on it's own without further engine mods is not a good idea.


Some questions....

Is the new z-engineering a maintenance free mod as the ad's suggest? (no oil in the charger)

What type of charger is best suited to the 2.9 VR6?

Will the engine life be affected or greatly reduced?

Will the engine operate at a higher temp. with the charger fitted?

Do I need to get a re-chip to get the best from the vharger?

Will the prices ever come down?


Are there any other important things to look out for before taking the plunge.




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