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Wonky Spoiler

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My aunt has just bought a Corrado after seeing mine 8) but has a problem that im hoping you guys can help with.


The rear spoiler is wonky :lol: It goes up/down on both the switch and while driving but it doesn’t fully retract on the nearside, It stops about 1/2 an inch short. You cant really tell when the spoilers up unless you really look closely but id say the same size gap is also present. The offside is perfect.


Anyone ever come across this before, and do I need to take the mech apart :roll: and is that easy to do ????

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Having never looked at the spoiler or mech, I'd still say that lubing it and giving it a good service is a good place to start.

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I noticed on mine that the cable guide had come out off the mechanism, that could account for the extra gap, just take the boot cover off and hava a look, might be something as simple as that :wink:

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Ill give it a lube and see if that helps, but it does seem to be going up and down the same distances on both sides it just the NS seems to be higher like someone has pulled it up (if that makes any sense :lol: )


Ive looked behind the boot cover on mine before and like Walesy says it looks a bit confusing :roll:

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I just found out that the spoiler can be adjusted with the back bolts :roll: Looks like someone in the past had taken it off and not put it back on in the correct position.


Dont I feel like a plum now :lol: :roll: :oops:

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