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Corrado G60 Engine

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I find I get a pop out of the exhaust between gear changes which seems to be getting louder.. The timing has been set up at 5 degrees at 2,000 rpm, with the wire off the blue coolant temp connector. So am pretty sure it is not the timing. Help please?? I thought it might a air leak in the induction, any other ideas?

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Its not uncommon for g60 to do this somtimes i would check there is no exhaust leaks though if its getting worse.

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I do have a slight blow on the exhaust, funny enough. I will try and sort it out this weekend and see if I see an improvement. Cheers :)

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I sometimes get a pop when i change gear too, my exhaust is also blowin slightly, wonder if thats the cause of it kickin flames out on a hard gear change lol.

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All caused by slight exhaust leaks as Darren said. The extra air creates just the right/wrong mixture with the fuel filled air to ignite in the hot exhaust and flame = pop!! :)



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