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Roger Blassberg

Drive train clicking

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I occasionally get a very pronounced clicking in the drive train, which is sometimes severe enough to be felt through the floor. It happens both when accelerating and decelerating but practically disappears at constant road speed or if I dip the clutch.


It is unaffected by the position of the steering, so I am tending to discount outer cv joint(s).


Most maddeningly, it will start doing it apparently at random, do it for several minutes, and then go away again (especially if it gets anywhere near a garage - the mechanics have so far been unable to provoke it into happening for them).


I'm thinking, "inner cv joint(s)", or "final drive bearings".


Has anyone had similar problems and if so did you sort it out?


It's a VR6 by the way.


Best wishes



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No I haven't. Just shows my pessimistic nature, always looking for a serious cause of what might be a simple problem.......I'll have a good look at lunchtime.


Best wishes



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I changed the gearbox mounting, it was broken, and thought I had solved it. But no!! it's getting worse. It only starts clicking after about half an hour's driving and then comes and goes.


Not a stone in the tyre tread by the way.


Best wishes



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