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New heater controls fitted

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Possibly just the picture, but I'm not keen on the heater controls at all....


Sure you've put a lot of effort into them though and if you're happy, then who cares! :)

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I am inclined to agree, 10/10 for effort and if you're happy then great, not my cuppa tea though. The dials look nice. :) :thumb right:

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im not sure on the heater controls, look a bit 1960's. dials look nice tho.


Your rear windscreen heater button, is it meant to be on the left side, mines on the right where u have a blanking cover????

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i got some dial rings and they're a bloody pain to get right - took the buggers off. how did you line them up and fix them?

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Neil i turned the switch upside down as it was covered by the steering wheel and i couldnt see it!! when driving!!!

H8RRA placed the rings into the cowling (as they are just slightly bigger than the holes so they dont drop through) that is attached to the clear screen applied some super glue and bolted the two parts together with the dials facing the ground the cowling holds em in place until glue gets a hold!!


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they look alot better now ive got the tt gator and chrome surround in ....

thanks for your comments guys! :D


will post a pic when completed...

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nice work on the tt surround , is that covered mdf ? and put the karmann decal back on , karmann interiors always sell for more lol


nice wheel , was that off ebay recently ? i was watching one like that

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Yep good old mdf! Am planning on putting the karman badge back on( when i get some super glue!!) As you say dont want to de value the very rare karman interior LOL!!


yeh picked wheel up of ebay last week!! its in mint condition and well cheap also included boss!!

Am well happy with it all.... :D

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