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Ice White Socks

Boot Light Disconnected-Would this affect alarm ultrasonics?

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Just a quickie- I have disconnected the boot light completely due to fitting audioscape sub- but now the Ultrasonics don't work! Are the two things related? The alarm (laserline 996v3) still arms OK without making any extra chirps which it usually does if owts not right.


I'm just not sure what the logic is- would it think the boot is always open and turn off the Ultrasonics? Any alarm meisters know?





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interesting point... this could is similar to a problem ive got (GT136)...


anyone! :D



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I think the light is an easy way for alarm installers to sense weather the boot is open or not, was there an extra wire running to this?

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odd , i wouldnt of thought it would be related , the alarm would sense a voltage drop when the light comes on but not if the light isnt present , have you just removed the light itself ? or the plunger aswell ? it doesnt sound as though it thinks the boot is open so its not activating the ultrasonics


why didnt you extend the boot light wires and relocate the light to somewhere more suitable ?

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The plunger - this would be more difficult I think as it's not electrical, it's purely just a damper/assistor... (the boot light switch is located inside the lock housing altho this can be replaced seperatly)

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The alarm senses a sudden earth when the boot is opened. Assuming the switch works OK. Connecting at the light is the normal thing to do. Can you imagine the time it would take to run the wire through into the tailgate.......


I can't see how the boot light would do anything to the ultrasonics. In fact taking the bulb out of the holder shouldn't stop an armed alarm from triggering if the boot were to be opened.


Have you locked yourself in the car to try the ultrasonics out??? Sit still for a minute or 2 as the alarm won't look at the sonics straight away. Do some breakdancing to try and trigger it. WHat happens?


Lippy, was I looking something up for you??? And then didn't. Vague memory...............




EDIT checked PMs, did you sort the bonnet switch.

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Cheers Gavin- Your right of course now I think about it- a blown boot bulb wouldn't be allowed to interfere with the alarm (which would have the same effect as disonnecting the boot light)


I have tried locking myself in the car but they deffo aint working.


I'll have a look at the alarm box again- maybe I dislodged a cable or something?

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h100vw, hi gav, thanks I have been dead busy recently and haven't had the time or daylight to give it a thorough check over.


However, out of interest in this thread I did check the wiring to the boot light - low and behold the little git had disconnected which meant that my alarm kept going off!


So, for the moment the alarm is working perfectly (just jinxed it) however if I have any more problems I know where to be looking.





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IWS, they could be turned right down sensitivity wise, or maybe one is disconnected or the lead damaged. If it's the latter, I have plenty of GT sonics in the garage, you can have some for the cost of the postage.


Most of the ones I have seen have the same connectors on them.




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