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My car looked like this today....

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How about the car was going to fail the MOT on the seatbelts so you took all the seats out and offered it like that 8)


That would be awesome if I did - I was hoping to have the end result to show everyone today but its not finished yet so it will all have to wait.

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Is it done now?


Id offer a silly comment, but i dont think i could better any of them.

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Unfortunately what I'm doing isn't finished, and isn't likely to be until the end of the week....SO....


I will award 5.00 via paypal to the person who gives what I deem the funniest answer. Me? Desperate attempt to keep the thread alive? No idea what you're talking about!

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your car is so fast the birds in the back left a damp patch /patches????

(women gevery excited in fast cars, its not their fault!!) (no offence ment by that, just talking from experience)

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The Karman Badge fell off your gear surround, you know how rare these are and can't find it anywhere!!!

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is this thred on half empty or is it half full???


im sayin half emptyl cos these responses are well worth a fiver split so many ways ha ha


are we allowed dirty responses?

(guessing not)


iv got such a dirty mind i cant think of any funny replies to your £5 challenge!!


(you should rename your subject thread as the £5 challenge fella, get thousands of posts then..............

rename it and watch the replies roll in...............

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Still not finished, but here is why...sorry for the bad pictures my camera seems to be playing up, I will show it who's boss.

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and the spendin continues!!!!not gonna be much money left from that bank job!!!!

ooops :oops:


Yeah, this spending hurt!

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