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KW Coilovers (and Weitec whilst we're here!)

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double-6s: Just don't like seeing useless info on an otherwise classy forum like this, and that's what you've given here in this thread, apart from all the following nonsense regarding my car.


You cannot try before you buy suspension, period, full-stop.


Then again, my offer's still open to you to prove me otherwise. It would be wiser for you to instead of making stupid sarcy comments to actually get cracking and rise to my challenge, or are you failing for precisely the reasons I was trying to get across in this thread?


In other words: Suspension is alas something you may only ever be able to rely on other people's very subjective comments other than spending a fortune on trying out and then ditching various supension set-ups that you find you don't like. Ask Chris aka 2cc, as he's had to do precisely that, before he got ot the way he wanted.


Over and out.



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