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chaz g60

g60 oil feed line broke!

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I just drove about 2 miles to my mum's house, pulled up and thought whats that burning oil smell!!!! had a look and the right side of my engine is COVERED in oil !. I't seems the braided oil line to the charger has come out of it's bolt on the engine side.

Would it of damaged the charger not getting oil for that shorter trip???

and how much are these hoses?

I also got to figure out how to get all the oil off my engine, I'm gutted, things have to start going wrong when I havn't got a job.

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I would get the charger off straight away and get it down to Darren at G-werks straight away for a check up. The G-Lader is such a delicate item it's not worth risking!


cpntact g-man on here or go to his website http://www.gwerks.co.uk

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In all honesty thats not what i wanted to hear! I'll have to get it in the garage and take it off , great no rado for a while then.

Cheers .

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The G-Lader needs a constant supply of oil otherwise it can cause severe damage to the internals leading to detonation.


At the end of the day, doing without the car for a few days and making sure nothing was damaged is better than hoping for the best and ending up with needing a new charger setting you back £800 or more after buying a 2nd hand one and having it serviced first or buying a new one for upwards of a grand.


Getting the oil off the engine is easy. A liberal coating of GUNK and a steam clean will work wonders

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Yeah cheers man i'll try that gunk out, chargers going to have to wait 'till i can really afford it though, so she'll be off the road for a while. Couldn't of happend at a worse time :mad:

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Did you notice anything , like lack of power or strange noises? ..Surly if something had happened to the charger then you'd have noticed?

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no it was fine, when i smelled oil after pulling up i didn't even think it was my car! luckily I checked, i was in 5.30 traffic so didnt go over 3k revs the whole way, I don't think the chargers damaged but sounds like it's worth checking so it's going to have to go off the road for a while!

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You can run a different belt while the chargers off so you can still use the car, maybe a better option if you need to wait a while to have it fixed?

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i had a split charger oil feed line on my G60. Drove it for about 10miles like that (definitely not at 3k!!) before realising and it did no harm, so dont panic but obviously check it out! Mine had split where it meets the charger though, so i think there was still a small supply of oil to it. bloody engine bay got covered in crap though!

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yeah i just orderd the line from vw so i'll get it on friday, fingers crossed once i get some fresh oil in her she'll be right, I can see oil on the road for about a mile so didn't go far, and as i didn't even notice 'till I stoped i think nothings broken.

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All done and it seems ok, changed a few other bits and pieces whilst in there, and new oil and filter, fingers crossed no damage done.

When i took the oil line off the charger oil poured out so it still had some in there anyway.

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