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CLIFFORD dual proxy sensor location

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anyone have good expericance with clifford dual prox sensors?


i originaly had it on the tunnel under the handbrake, then moved it under the sunroof winder panel in hopes of better coverage, thinking that the sensor must provide a cone shape "zone" and it would be better pointing down than up :?


anyway..with it in the roof liner i find it too sensitive around the mirrors and no where else :x


so , any suggestions for location...i was thinking behind the dash on the bulkhead facing into the car or on the tunnel right near the back seat

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I had mine under the under the hand brake tunnel right behind the gear stick, basically directly under the handbrake handle when it was down. The writting on the sensor need to point into the car.


Have you got the one with the lights that show the zones as they trip.

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You can adjust the sensitivity of them.


Mine is under the ashtray behind the handbrake. Obviously needs to be quite central.


Its a G4 concept 500 on mine and when originally fitted it was set too sensitive as well just adjusted it down so when you pass the car it chirps about 4 inches away from the glass as though some1 is looking closely through the glass.


Weather can also affect sensitivity, when its warmer the field will be slightly larger and the rain sets the damn thing off.

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thats the trouble , i cant ajust mine so that im satisfied, its either set way too low and wont warn/alarm or if i kick it up a notch it falses in the rain

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Its always gonna sense the rain its a motion sensor, so you have to tap side button twice and right hand once to turn that sensor off as the rain moving down the windscreen the sensor will detect it. Indicaters flash 4 times to confirm its off.


Honestly put it where mine is then set up as though some1 has their hands on the glass and looking in then it should be ok. These sensors very very rarely go wrong they just need setting correctly.


When setting like you say move it only 1 chirp either way then leave it for a day see how it is then try again if not right.


If you need any advice contact Source Sounds and security on 01142 571550 they really really know what they are doing.

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I say when it rains it will detect it when its raining quite bad. It detects the rain more so on mine cause i park mine on a sloped drive so its going to come down the windscreen more easily.


Also when you turn it off the next time you unarm then arm the system it automatically comes back on.

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I've never been a fan of Clifford for this reason.


Disagree totally i really cant fault Cliffords at all.


Had mine 3 years and only problem i had is the valet botton contacts been fragile, had them replaced 3 times in 3 years at no cost to me just call into source sounds and replaced there and then.


I keep saying this they need installing correctly and competently and setting up correctly.

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and auto watch use ultrasonics, crap. microwaves are best but occasionally need careful setting up. also depens on your size. if yoour a big lad then will appear very sensitive f like my mate your skinny then it hardly picks him up. mine is set up wth him as most scrotums are skinny teenagers and then sety for me, count the adjustment clicks and set half way between the two. no probs with rain and 1 false alrm in 5 years because i left my mobile in the car

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