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Sony CDX-MP70 volume fault...

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The volume is stuck on full on my headunit, turning the volume control has no effect. If I push the volume control dial I can access the secondary functions of the dial so the dial isn't completely knackered. Has anyone else had a problem like this?

I swear I have no luck with car audio, this is the third head unit I've had in 4 years :x

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I had the same thing happen on mine about 2 months ago, pulled the unit for about 2 hours (completely unplugged and took out) Replaced it and it's worked fine since.


Though, I did also replace it with a Sony MEX-R5 a couple of weeks ago, so the MP-80 is going in the Raddo and the MP-70 is going in the Rocco.

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Oh cool! I nearly didn't bother posting this, I thought the chances of it happening to someone else were so slim, just goes to show....

I was all psyched to buy a new unit tomorrow as well, but I really shouldn't.

Looks like you've just saved me £200, thanks Jeremy.

MEX-R5, DVD and wireless 8)

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Glad to be of service :)


I only use mine for MP3s though. it means I can put about 800 320kpbs tracks on one disk though :) That's plenty albums...


I do miss the "knobs" of the MP-70/80 though

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