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G60 is running really slow!!!!!!!!

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:( For some reason my G60 is running really slow!! i have recently added a 68mm pulley and chip, air filter, silicone hose kit, changed the blue temp sensor, the charger has been stage 4'd.

When i bought the car i found that the company who ported the charger had unbelivably left a cloth in the charger and some of it has been shredded into microscopic pieces. So i cleaned the charger and all of the hoses out, and also the intercooler, but still i am only pulling 10psi of boost. CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP me on what else i can check coz surely with the current upgrades it should be pretty quick (around 16psi), as any info will be VERY GRATEFULLY acceted. thanks alot guys.


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Yes check for leaks but I think you want to get the chartger checked out asap - who did the rebuild?


Also are you running the shorter belt with the 68mm? - if not the belt will slip and cause a low boost figure as will a knackered tensioner.


Don't know where abouts you are but my advice would be to get down the G-werks and get it checked out.

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Is the cam timing correct, does it have a lumpy cam fitted. Both will affect the peak boost you see.


Boost pressure is more a measure of the restriction in the intake system than anything else.



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cant remember who rebuilt the charger, but i will post it on as soon as i get to it at home, i cleaned all the charger interior with wd40, when i had finished cleaning it all up i then used the prescribed lube from pitstop. I will definately have a look at the parts you have all told me too, cheers


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:wink: oh yeah, forgot to mention that i am running the shorter belt with the pulley, thanks anyway mate

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When mine was running really slow i checked everything and found fuel pressure was down. After hundreds of pounds i found that a 20p piece of fuel pipe in the tank had split on the inside!! Easy to change and cheap, might be worth a shot anyway considering the age of these fuel pipes now, especially with a high pressure system.

Hope you get it sorted



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id check.


boost leaks. make up a set of caps. disconnect at tb and put a cap in. put a jubly round it. same at other end from charger. drill a small hole fir a bike pump and pump till 20psi or so. if it only holds 10 you found your issue.


other than that id suspect the charger if its had a rag in it.


check the isv too. get a whell bolt ideally a round locking one. itll fit the isv pipe from the inlet perfectly. fit it remove isv and try again. mine runs almost faultlessly like this. bad isv.


worth a go. costs nothing

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Didnt it have some form head work done by jabbasport? Any flowing of head, manifold etc will reduce the boost you will see as its flowing better.

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jimbo does this mean that you will still be making that boost but where the boost sensor reads the level it is after the head so that you boost you have made has been lost in the head already where its flowing so well!

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You will still be pushing through the same amount from your charger or turbo. However as h100vw has said previously boost is a measure of restriction in the inlet. Hence it being pressure so the more/ faster your head, inlet etc can flow the less boost you will make, as you have a more efficient set up. As for your boost sensor it should be reading the pressure in the inlet manifold. I have my boost gauge tapped into the vacuum pipe between the manifold and the fpr as this should give a true boost reading. Least thats how i see it! :)

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right got ya because i have a flowed head and manifold port and polished! and my charger is fine and the boost reading from the mfa isnt as high as what i feel it should be could this be lower then because of the mods?

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Without a doubt! :) Its obviously healthy enough with 215bhp! Personally im not sure how good or acurate the mfa reading is as mine doesnt seem to do anything!

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