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Moonroof instalation

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Not sure if this is external or interior, ive also searched for info but cant get any.

I remember finding a post showing how to fit a moonroof to corrado it included pics.

anyone remember or know where i can get this info?


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It's not too hard to swop them over, but it would be useful to know which bits unscrew and which bits just pull off. I undid just the sunvisors, sunroof motor cover, front pillar (drivers side) and the back cover (next to the boot at the top) and the roof lining just bent and came out with a little persuasion. I know a lot of people say don't do that as it's really easy to crease the roof but so long as you don't overstress it then you should be fine. Took me about 90 mnutes or so to do it on my own, if I'd done it with someone then they probably would not have connected it up right meaning all the rainwater would drip under the floor and soak the carpets (like last time I had the roof out....... :mad: )


Don't forget to buy the 10 washers (2x4 for the front 4 bolts, then one in both of the front side bolts) which get the front of the roof sitting perfectly in line with the bodywork



Any questions just ask me, did it this weekend so it's still fresh in my mind...

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Oh yeah, one other thing. If your radio reception is crap then pull the aerial out at the same time as doing the roof and sort it out...


Click here for fix


it's hard to get the solder to stick, so I blobbed a load of solder over the bit the aerial screws onto (on the inside) to get the shape of the contact, soldered the wire onto that, then dripped loads of hot glue onto that to secure it. Radio is so much better now it's unbelievable! I levered the old, rusted knackered circuit board out with a screwdriver and hammer!!

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