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Kevin Bacon

Halfords lense/paint protection film

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Just thought I'd mention I put some Halfords protection film on my lights, fogs and indicators last night and I'm well impressed with it.


After losing 2 fogs and 2 indictators to stones in the space of a year, enough is enough!


It's made by Venture Shield http://www.invisiblepatterns.com/


Dead easy to apply and it's invisible unless you look for the edges. Non yellowing and flexible.


Costs £28 with the fitting kit and you get a big roll of the stuff, so plenty left over for spare.


I don't think all of the SuperStores sell it, but it's hanging up with the bumper, interior, wheel etc repair kits in the black boxes.

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ahh, very usefull, considering the number of lights that get damaged on Corrados, and the cost of them to replace.


cheers kev :)

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