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free air sub

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just bought myself a free air sub,fixed to a stealth shelf,so im just wondering what i need to get it working,i.e amps,wiring etc..

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ideally you need a Amp that can pump out about 10-20% more than the subs peak power handling (the peak power is normally the figure quoted cos its normally the largest number in watts. (just remember the sub will cope with that for about a second before it blows the coil.)


then you need set the amp up using the gain control so that it cannot blow the sub, normally you turn you head unit up to about 2/3 or 3/4 volume then turn the gain up on the amp VERY SLOWLY till the sub just starts to distort or the gain is at full, then turn it down again buy a 1/8 of a turn (depending on the amp) this is called "head room" that way you dont over drive the sub or amp.


all you have to do then is remeber never to turn your head unit up above the level you get the sub up at. you can then play with the crossover frequencies to set the sub up to respond to the correct frequencies.

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