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Should I have broken my rado?

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I know it's sacrilege, and I really wouldn't have wanted to, but I was just thinking of the car I could have had if I broke my rado.


I added up what I would have had to spend if I broke my rado.


Insurance: 3250 (4k less buy back and excess)

Sold Schrick/BMC: 1,000

Breaking - £1-2K?


So I could have had £5250+ to spend, which would have had me a much better condition rado than I have at the moment.

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better the devil you know ? lifes full of `what if`s`, i think you made a good decision so i wouldnt dwell on it too much fella, i would have probaly done the same myself as i`m quite attached to my old car

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better the devil you know ?

Couldnt have put it better me self! I spent months debating what to do about mine. Break her? Sell her? Fix her? In the end, the offer I got from the ins.comp. convinced me to sell her to someone who'd fix her up so she'd still be alive, but I'd then have enough to get my VR.


the choice you made is right for you m8. You've got the car u love, with good mileage and you know her better than any other VR! 8)

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But why would you break it when it didn't need an awful lot spending to get it into a nice 'straight' car? that you could sell easily for £3.5k - £4k?


Sacrilege breaking a perfectly good car anyway!

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rofl, good come back.


I think you've made the right choice mate

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better the devil you know


thanks for getting that STEPS song in my head :evil: :lol:


BTW, although it would've got you more moneys, I don't think I could've broken a car like a rado unless it was totally totally gone

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better the devil you know

thanks for getting that STEPS song in my head


you can tell your a young 'un, steps ripped off kylie! sacrilage! :lol:

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