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mtc R32

G60 for only

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Ok guys!!!


I've come up with an idea !!!!!


Well i'm always keen to make things interesting so here's my proposal...


I'm planning on raffling My G60 off to all you guys on here..


There will be 100 tickets available at £15.50 a ticket!!! Within this price is a small donation that will either go to cover Forum costs or towards the Late Stormin Daves fund...


If i can get 150 names I'll start the raffle by issuing number to members upon receipt of payments...

To keep things straight and Fair!!! Once all the tickets have been inssued the Moderators will draw the winning ticket and reveal who the winner is...


So my next Question is what do you all think...???


You'll be getting a Bargain of a G60 for £15.50 :shock: !!!!!!!!

I'll see how the feeler goes, if there is a large interest in this then I will proceed with the start of the raffle.


Proposed Entrants:

1. RADO.001


3. Jim


5. steve_16v

6. VeeDuB Rado

7. Toad

8. mo_5279.

9. Dubby





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id be in, that way id have a chance to have both a vr6 and g60 C and for only £15.50 :mrgreen:

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I'd probably be in with a shot.. but I just think you'll struggle to get 150 takers! :(


And what about if the mods want to take part - would you trust us to do it fairly or what?

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And what about if the mods want to take part - would you trust us to do it fairly or what?


Good point there mate... What would you suggest then ????


I am open to ideas to make it very fair!!!


It would be 100 tickets at £15.50....

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Not sure.. well I guess there is plenty of time to work that out as it'll take a while to get that many possible entrants ;)

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Could the Mods create a list, like you do in the group buy things so we can keep account of who's in.... ????

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It's a good idea mate, we'd need to find out what legal implications there are - when a guy did this on E38 quite a few people seemed to think that it was ilegal to run a raffle without some sort of permit ( something to do with a percentage of the profit needing to go to a regestered charity? )


It's certainly a great way of selling a car!


EDIT - Beaten to it by MR Storm :)

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MMmmmm... Well it isn't profit making as £15.00 a ticket x 100 = £1500 which is what the car is forsale for...

The remainder 50p's on each ticket will go towards the donations of either one suggested...


Thoughts peeps!!!!

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Section 3 of the 1976 Act gives full details of the relevant conditions; for example, that the proceeds, after expenses, cannot be used for private gain, that no more than £250 can be spent on prizes and that cash prizes are not allowed.

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Nice idea, count me in 8)


You could do the draw at a local meet and advertise it on the forum so anyone that wanted to show up a witness it could, think you may struggle to 150 entrants though



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vr6storm, Is this a no,no!!! or still a possibility???


Instead extra money raised could go to a charity that we all agree with


SteveVPK, @ £15.50 a ticket would be 100 entrants....


Do you all thing we could acheive this ????

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Arr so I would :oops: :lol:


Think it’s a good idea an definitely worth ago


Edit: if someone managed it on E38...



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vr6storm, Is this a no,no!!! or still a possibility???


Instead extra money raised could go to a charity that we all agree with


SteveVPK, @ £15.50 a ticket would be 100 entrants....


Do you all thing we could acheive this ????


i would say its probably a no-no........as the main benificiery is you,even tho your car is up for sale for £1500 and thats all you want out of it,you are still doing it for personal gain,which according to rules n regs is a no no.........the fact that are giving a number to someone rather than an official ticket also makes it a lot more prone for it to be fixed

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Well some Guy ran a raffle of E38 and everything seemed fine...


Order of numbers will be based on the numbers given in the feeler so far.. List started!!!!

So keeping it fair people can see in post order who's got what..


The draw we can arrange at a later date... depending on majority of peoples opinions..

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