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Danger Mouse

L reg POLO--help needed urgently

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Hey there,


Im not sure about posting this but im getting the run around from VW mechanics and would like some extra info as this is pretty important.


My dad is disabled and my mums car (an L reg polo) is a bit bug*ered and this is the only way my dad is really able to get anywhere. My mum lost the key and had to try various things to get a new one, which we are still waiting for.


Anyway, while we were trying things the steering wheel and part of the column came completely off, looks as though it can go back on quite easily, hopefully.


The thing im unsure about is that there is a pretty big cut out of the side and iv no idea why and if its a problem ( pic below ).


Does anyone have any ideas as my dad is getting more down as the days go on as he is understandably sick of the same four walls. Also the stress isnt good for his heart. Getting the polo back on the road will hopefully cheer him up and make him less stressed about not being able to go anywhere. Myself and my dad are a bit unsure about using the car with this cut in the side of the column.


Iv tried to take him out as much as possible in my C but i dont work very great hours and he goes to bed pretty early.


Thanks in advance



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I've moved this into the general car chat DM just to keep it tidy..........as although its a problem its not really a Corrado problem if you know what i mean


hopefully someone will be able to help you tho......so good luck :wink:

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i have an answer...BUY MY M REG POLO!

it comes with a fully working steering wheel!


how did your dad manage that?? or was it already like that?

what did it catch on?

i'm pretty sure it won't cause many problems...but as long as u know how it goes back on!




thats where you wanna ask!!

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The polo steering column is two part, our one started to vibrate badly one day and we found it needed to be tightend up, was fine since

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Hey guys


just to let you all know, iv finally got the key and iv put the steering column back together. The car is running fine.


At least my dad can now get about again.


Thanks for the help, its appreciated





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