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Hi guys


Hear a lot about manifolds recently but I have some more questions


So the supersprint Manifold is actually worth investing in...?


why does it need to be wrapped and how do you stop it from cracking..?


I have a cat back magnex system on my vr with a supersprint decat, am i going to get any problems if I add the manifold also....



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£600 for the SuperSprint is a good chunk toward a charger :-)


It's hard to say what the real world gains will be but I think for the money, you will be slightly dissapointed. It's by far the best manifold money can buy for the VR6, but debatable if it will give any more grunt than a £200 Raceland one. I know which of the two will last longer though!


Wrapping is to retain heat. Heat helps scavenge spent gases out of the cylinders and Iron has a massive advantage there. Thin walled stainless cools too quickly, so needs to be lagged.


You need to make sure your engine mounts are sound to prevent cracking, preferably fit uprated ones.

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Thanks Kev....


I have picked up a second hand supersprint for much less than the £600, guy was strapped for cash... couldnt turn it down, spent last 3 evenings polishing it up again as it looks manky but the result i have achieved is cool....


is there any wrapping in particular that I should be using? links plz?


What sort of benefit/cost would I achieve with upratted mounts and how hard are they to do....


A charger is definatly somthing that will be done, think I want to go out in a charged VR first tho,

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try demon tweeks for the wrapping mate


the mounts are easy to do , i've done all three on mine


dont go out in a charged vr unless you're going to buy one ,i saw kevs and although he was only parking i could tell the power difference and i've never looked at mine the same since :-(

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class - you have spent 3 evenings polishing up a part thats never going to be seen through the fact that a) its right down the back of the engine, and b) you are going to cover it with lagging!!!


whats all that about?

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CoxyLaad, havent you heard of obsessive compulsive disorder :-)


:oops: :oops: I dont know what you mean :oops: :oops:


Besides its all good pratice for when I need to do my rims and the rest of my engine..... honest




GIXXERUK - Thanks dude... I'm sure i can get these done, I presume Vince can supply these....

Hmmmm good point - although a charge is the way I want to go, maybe I should wait until I have the money...


Thanks guys

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