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stealth racing??

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Does anybody know whats up at Stealth Racing at the mo? Been trying to ring them all of last week, and went round this morning before work, and they are all shut up? Probably Vince and co on holiday, but just wondering if anyone else knew? I really hope they haven't closed for good, most of my familly gets their cars sorted there. Not to mention they are bloody good.....!

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Vince is on holiday at the moment, possible the guys just started late today?


I know Steve (Supercharged) had his TDI booked in for today...

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  Supercharged said:
They are there just busy... Vince is back on the 17th...


surely they should be there if they are busy? ;)


I tried ring a few times last week too, no joy, so I booked it into AmD (its closer anyways)

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Typical as soon as i want my car serviced they all go. anyone know any other way of contacting them as i have had no joy on the phone.?

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surely they should be there if they are busy?


Problem with Stealth is that you wouldn't believe the sheer amount of calls they get in a day. Seriously if you go to their workshops on a working week day, just count how many times the phone goes. Their staff isn't huge (4 including Vince?) - so when he goes on holiday, if another mechanic then takes over phone duty, they really just will not get any work done.


Whenever they DO take extra staff on (to man the phones, etc) the volume of work then seems to drop and because they're a fairly small outfit they just can't justify keeping the extra people on. It must be a very frustrating situation to be in.


Best time to call is just before or around 9am.. thats when I always call and when I always get an answer! Failing that send an email - when Vince is checking them he normally replies within a day or two!

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  Jim said:

surely they should be there if they are busy?


Problem with Stealth is that you wouldn't believe the sheer amount of calls they get in a day. Seriously if you go to their workshops on a working week day, just count how many times the phone goes. Their staff isn't huge (4 including Vince?) - so when he goes on holiday, if another mechanic then takes over phone duty, they really just will not get any work done.


I was refering to the person who said they had been around and it was all locked up, I was also joking (see smilie).


/me pulls Jim off of his High Horse ;)

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Sorry mate.. wasn't intended as a rant.. just general dialogue :(


I hate the internet sometimes.. just seems to just completely lose or misconstrue tone!

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don't give me that 'it was the internets fault' cr*p again Jim, you really hurt me (again) :lol:

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Yeh, as Jim says the volume of calls is incredible. Seems to ring again as soon as they hang up. They could do with a full time secretary!


Or maybe the boys are just taking it easy whilst the boss is away on his hols... :wink: :lol:

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They often have some guys in on "phone duty", but the idea of a full time secretary is madness. One of the greatest things about Stealth is that you can talk to a tech pretty much straight away about what the best thing to do is or isn't.

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  dr_mat said:
They often have some guys in on "phone duty", but the idea of a full time secretary is madness


...was joking :wink: :roll:

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Yeah, agree with that jim, everytime I go in to see vince, Its like " Hi james, want you want to do is...ring ring, hang on a minute mate..." I'll see if I can sneak down there at lunch time to catch Jon and co. Desparately need my rear bushes doing!!! Also, when I said they were locked up, I did go round at about 4.50, so probably pushing my luck anyway...!!

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