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help please, Estoril polishing

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Have a set of "manky" Estoril's on my 16v (not uncommon I hear you all cry!).


Don't have cash to throw at a new set of wheels or to get them professionally polished at the moment but am thinking about doing it myself.


Any advice on removing the OEM finish (what little is left) and then best way to polish them (thinking wet & dry, progressivly finer and then Autosol).


Any advice?

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here you go mate this may help


http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... s&start=15


can i just say that it is alot of hard work so be prepared


ive stopped polishing mine now and have done something different but still got 2 to do so all will be revealed soon good luck thou fella!


also chap make sure you get all the laquer off first !

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didnt get bored(ok did a little bit lol) it just took me about 4 hours to get the laquer or one dish let alone the middle of the wheel mate so i've gone a slightly different route now as luckily i have some polished alloys as well!



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polished RH's unsure of model mate never seen them before so thought id snap em up! wanted some smaller alloys anyway thou fella as the borbets are too wide on the back!

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theyre gonna look full on rude now mate when theyre done should be finished by either friday afternoon or saturday i cant wait! then im gonna put tyres on the polished ones and keep the borbets just for summer!

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Think I'll see if the guy who did the Porsche Mags on my old Notchback will give me a quote, he was pretty cheap then.. about £30 a wheel to strip and detail them, but he said he'd never do another set of Magnesium rims!

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anyone got some good clear close ups of polished Estorils so I know what I'm aiming for?


Just waiting for the weather to cool a bit before going at this so I don't kill myself!

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Ok here's some pics of what I managed to achieve in an hour today (between coats of satin black, spraying my grill badge).

No before shot but you can get an idea of what the wheel's like from the bits I haven't done.


After attcking with 120/400/600/800....



And after 1200/ several attacks with Autosol....



You can just see the reflection coming.... The spoke on the right is a good "before shot"


Not exactly a professional job but I was just trying on one spoke to see what happened. I'm now convinced I'll send them off to be done professionally as soon as I have the spare cash...

Oh and I'll have to get some "Winter wheels" as well ;)

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mate stay 120 or 180 untill you've done the whole wheel! otherwise i think the finish wont be as good! good work thou mate keep it up! seriously stick with it thou chap youll feel better after and you can get a good finsh look yourself also once you autosol it afterwards they will look proper bling mate! at my gallery and then pick of exhaust and how that came up and that was well skanky!

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Cheers for your kind words, they make the difference when you're knackered and sweaty... :pukeright:


The 120 hardly touched the laquer that's still there so I'll have them done professionally.


This was just a trial to see if they were any good or if I should just buy another set of wheels!

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what you using mate coz i used 400 wet and dry and that hardly touched so then went to 180 small round pads just dry and i went through about 12 but it did the job and went through reasonable quickly all in all to prep all alloys it took me about 10 hours i think roughly! worth it thou! up to you fella stick with it for a bit longer my mate who done my borbets he keeps a grinder in his car with a very small like 180 pad on it and thats really effective on quite shagg*d alloys

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Yikes! 10 Hours!


May have them media blasted and then attack them....


The again may just go the whole hog and get them done by the guy who did the detail polish on my Notch's wheels.

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yeah that's what I'd like to achieve.... were they fully polished or detailed? Can't quite see on the photo....


Any-one got close ups of fully polished vs detailed and ploished Estos? Just so I can see which way I'd like to go....

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