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Possibly Inane chat?!!...Corrado running cost...

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Hey all, hope this section is ok for this thread!


Been looking at getting a rado for so long now, ended up G40'ing my polo GT last time i had this debate. It was £200 cheaper on insurance to have a 150bhp supercharged GTG40 conversion than to insure a 1.8 16v rado. So obviously i did the harder option and ended up spending around £2K on doing a G40 engine conversion myself!


Anyhow, that car had to go as it was costing me lots, and was full of problems (oil leaks, ecu map sensor issues, etc etc). Id spent all my money doing the conversion i couldn't enjoy the car.


After much deliberating, and even hours from going to view a very honest sounding 16v, i decided to get another Polo GT based upon the fact that i knew alot about the cars, engine wise, servicing, maintaining, and the fact that my bro has a golf gti mk2 16v and he has had no end of engine and running problems. I paniced and despite desperately craving a rado i didn't get one. I bought a GT and 15 miles down the road from buying it (just so happened this was 350 miles from my house!), the car overheats badly...i end up taking the thermostat out and limping it home (8 hour drive in total!!)...


The next day i spend over £150 in parts, basically out of peace of mind i changed the headgasket and a huge list of parts. Car runs fine, think it was air in the coolant system that caused it. Anyhow, im thinking of selling up now. The wheel bearings went, then the windscreen cracked....


The main point im trying to get to, is...a Rado so much more to run (i know tax and petrol maybe a bit more) but in general would i be totally silly to consider one?? Do problems like i described with my GT occur, and if so would i be totally screwed??!! ...not wanting to do a headgasket on a twin cam engine of much more complexity!


I feel gutted as i chose the GT as a cheaper sensible option, and could have got a corrado 16v and enjoyed it. But then again im less likely to be able to fix it myself than with the polo. Trying to do my research so this time around i dont get lumbered with a rubbish car, if i decide to get a corrado what issues can i expect, will it cause me more worries and woes everytime i drive it???


Cheers, sorry for the rambling post, just last time i made a ball-out decsion to convert my last GT to G40 power it cost me big time, will buying a rado do the same?!!!



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It sounds a bit like you're asking for someone to say 'buy a Rado, it will cost you nothing to run other than petrol and insurance'.


Unfortunately, I can't see that happening!


If you buy one, it will cost you money, as I'm sure you appreciate. Problem is finding a good one that limits the amount you spend (and even then it would be no guarantee!). Best thing you could probably do is look on here for common faults and go and have a look at some.


Don't buy out of your depth either i.e don't spend every last penny on a VR or G60 if you simply can't afford to spend money when stuff does (and will) go wrong!

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look at it this way, the newest raddo is going to be a late 1996 VR6, making it ten years old. With the best will in the world its unlikely you'll find a ten year old car which DOESNT have issues, as VR6 says its a case of finding the best example you can to try an limit your spending later on.


just as an example case my first raddo was a 1989 'G' plate valver, one of the first as far as i can work out. The only problems I had with it were caused by knackered HT leads, dizzy cap and rotor arm, other than that it gave me 18 months of faultless service and I deeply regret selling it now! the VR6 I had after it wasnt quite so reliable and had a few electrical gremlins, but the pleasure of driving it FAR out weighed the problems and cost of running it.

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Even the very best Corrado's will want for something. But i'm pretty much decided now that owning a Rado is far better than owning something newer.


I'm onto my 3rd Rado now - my most recent car before my Rado was a MK4 Golf GT TDI. The TDI depreciated by £1,500 in one year and cost me a similar amount in parts and repairs - none of my Corrado's have ever cost me anything near that as they've pretty much lost a lot of the money they're going to lose now and thankfully a lot of the bits just don't cost that much.


I think what i'm trying to say is that I find the Corrado a more affordable car to run than a Golf TDI.. I really don't think you'll go too wrong with a decent 16v as they really aren't that unreliable and are the cheapest to fix in the event of a problem! Just try and make sure you don't get one that has had the electrics hacked up by a bad alarm fitter or had engine work done by someone who didn't know what they were doing.. those area's will cost you if they've been neglected!

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Any old car is liable to cost you money for repairs, a lot depends on how the car has been treated before you get your hands on it.

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cheers for the replies. Im not definitely decided getting a corrado is the right thing to do, id honestly say i don't know alot about them, other than common faults involve electrics (spoilers, sunroof etc) and things like door handles.


Id only be after a valver really, so vr6 and g60 problems need not apply. Other than one being slightly slower than the other, are there any advantages of getting a 2.0 8v, is that going to be more reliable/easier to fix being single cam etc??


Il keep my eye open, im not desperate to do it all now, research is my first priority. But spotting an honest valver, is this an easy thing to do??

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i had a 2ltr for a year & a half & the only thing i had to replace/fix were your main serviceable things, brakes, plugs, filters etc. the slave cylinder went between xmas & new year which cost me a fortune coz it had to get towed away to the most expensive garage that was open & he pulled my eyes out! but apart from that it was relatively stress free motoring. for every good 'un i'm sure there's a bad 'un, you just have to read some of the stories on here. at the end of the day it's going to be at least 10 year old so things will go wrong. best bet is to buy just under what you can afford & keep a bit aside for anything that does go wrong! i never found the parts particularly expensive & you can do loads of jobs yourself with the help of this very forum. the one good thing about these cars is they all share the same common faults so most people on here have had the same problem. if you cant find the problem on a search then people are only too willing to help you!


just buy one, i promise you won't regret it!!! ( promise not legally binding)

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also was wondering if there was anyone from the forum near croydon, south london, or canterbury, kent (the 2 places im most likely to be found!) that could come to look at a few rado's if i find any. Someone with a bit more knowledge than me! Id happily buy a beer and lunch for anyone willing to lend their expertise.





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valvers never seem to cost on the engine front, they seem bullet proof. G60s cost if you neglext the charger, but dfont here of many engine problems. Vrs have issues here and there. tbh although ive spent more than id ever dreamnt of on mine, its because i like refreshing it. i think the only time its ever actually failed and let me down was an alarm problem!!


now does seem a cracking time to buy a c, they look like they are at an all time low price wise. seen some cracking valvers on the bay recently.


DO IT MATE!! your not that far from me, and i dont mind looking at some with you (for what its worth) if you start looking.

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oh, and being on here halves the burden. lots of helpful knowledge on here and top people that will give up their time to help you keep one on the road.

Which is what its all about imo.

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ok matey, very grateful for that. Ive been browsing this forum for over 2 years, i met a guy called Andy with a purple VR6 ages ago, he came up to my place and took me out for a spin...think he's admin or someone important!


Anyhow, i knew there and then that the people on here seemed great. On that note il ask anyone out there that sees an honest valver to let me know....im on the look out!!....think i know what has to be done...



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I wouldn't get an 8v - it's gotta be a 16v - and don't get too hung up on engine problems. If it breaks - it breaks - just get the nicest one you can for your money and insure you've got a few pennies spare in the event of something bad happening. You will not regret it. Good luck!


Ps - I'm not dissing 8vs - but sometimes due to their rarity and that they were near the end of the run they can be quite expensive given their performance. In many cases the 8vs looked great - decked out in the finest Corrado trim as a selling incentive.

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cheers matey, purpley dude was that a 2 litre 8v or 16v??


i had a ice grey violet pearl 16 valver, totally standard & i thought it was the mutts nutz!!!

def go for a 16 valver, get them revving above 4k & they do go rather well.


just do it! you know you want you!

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right ok, despite the guy slating his corrado in a post below, im still up for getting one. Its got to be a 16v really, if it goes as well as my bro's golf!


How much would i need to spend to get a decent example?



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Just to confuse the matter, I get very similar MPG from my VR to my GF's Valver.. Its actually 2mpg better on the motorway at 70mph :)

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