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24v RADO

They might cancel my insurance.HELP

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does anybody know what the make and model of the immobiliser fitted to a 2001 golf 4Motion, i've got one on my corrado and my insurance company need to know or they will cancel my insurance.

i contacted my local VW dealer and he said he would get back to me, he didn't.


i looked on my MOT certificate as suggested by my insurance company but it isn’t there.


does anyone know where else i can look.


any help would be much appreciated.


martin. :roll: :?:

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i think you might have to get a decent seperate alarm/imob,if the std vw one was up to the job,the insurance co would know what make/model it would be.

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that's what thought they said the one i've got is fine but they need more info, i don't know why they don't have on there data base as a 4motion security setup , i've spent the last too weeks trying to sort this.

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Maybe best to ask Jay how he got around insuring the rado with regards to security..........

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ive been having trouble with insurance and alarms ive taken out 3 policys in the last month ended up cancelling 2 and getting full refunds. spoke to HIC they we fine with my alarm & immobiliser. didnt have to send proof either

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Have you not got a standard C immobiliser too? I can try and find out the 4motion one tomorrow for you anyway. ;)

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