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They might cancel my insurance.HELP!!!

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does anybody know what the make and model of the immobiliser fitted to a 2001 golf 4Motion, i've got one on my corrado and my insurance company need to know or they will cancel my insurance.

i contacted my local VW dealer and he said he would get back to me, he didn't.


i looked on my MOT certificate as suggested by my insurance company but it isn’t there.


does anyone know where else i can look.


any help would be much appreciated. :?: :mad:

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I dont know why they need the exact make. My girlfriend used to work for Tesco insurance, the actual make of your immobiliser doesnt change the premium, only the fact that you have one will. Obviously they'll need to see the certificate

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my old insurance company wanted the installation certificate on my last car for the alarm, when i was third party only :? why the hell does it matter on a third party policy?!?

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the thing is i don't have a cetificate, they know where the immobiliser came from but they want exact info.

i rang them and they said its ok until i got a letter in the post threntening to cancel my insurance.

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Again my girlfriend has said (due to myself losing the certificate in a home move) i could go down to VAG and they'd take a look and give me a new certificate. Apparently anyway, ive not actually rang and asked yet.

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what year is the corrado? Late ones came with factory fit immobilisers, so the manufacturer would be VW OEM.


Otherwise find where the immobilser cuts the loom wires around the fuse box (will be plain black wires joined to original coloured ones) and follow the wires back the the main unit and the make and model will be printed on it.

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Its Jay Renshaws old Corrado.. so most definately not a standard setup :)

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Isn't the certificate just to prove it's been installed properly? if it's a standard immobiliser (i.e. fitted at the factory), why would they want it?

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With a car as heavily modified as that one the insurers are definately going to want to see proof of security, working in insurance myself I doubt they'll be happy to continue cover on the basis that the system is factory fitted to the engine/loom/ignition etc.


I'd be down to VW to see if they could help!

Failing that you could always ask Jay who he was insured with and if they needed proof , or if he sent them anything.

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Some insurers will just not insure you for theft until you provide them with adequate certification.. as was the situation for me. If I got into a smash then no problems but if the car got nicked, then tough luck!


Is it possible to get it independently verifed by a car alarm engineer to prove that it is a VAG 'OEM' alarm system and that it alarms to CAT1 or CAT2 standard?

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