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corrado baby seats

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Hi im gonna need to get a baby seat for my corrado very early next year :D ,do they fit ok ,was thinking of getting a recaro version but not sure really ,anyone here have any advise. :wink:

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I think helfrauds have a sale on them at the mo... I got mine (recaro look alike!) from big W as they where far cheaper and tastefully coloured!!! if you know what i mean!!LOL

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we've just got one fitted at the weekend called a 'Britax Evolva', which apparently is the one that britax designed for kind of sports seats which the rear of the c are, & it fits perfectly, our littlun is 11 months & its his first forward facing one & i was panicing a bit as i had tried one or two before that but they were all no good, its not bad looking either dark grey in colour & high head supports cost us £90 from mothercare, not too bad for the next 3 years... hopefully!!!

hope this helps a bit & all does'nt sound too sad. .......the things we have to put up with to have it as a daily driver eh :roll:

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we've just got one fitted at the weekend called a 'Britax Evolva', which apparently is the one that britax designed for kind of sports seats which the rear of the c are, & it fits perfectly, our littlun is 11 months & its his first forward facing one & i was panicing a bit as i had tried one or two before that but they were all no good, its not bad looking either dark grey in colour & high head supports cost us £90 from mothercare, not too bad for the next 3 years... hopefully!!!

hope this helps a bit & all does'nt sound too sad. .......the things we have to put up with to have it as a daily driver eh :roll:

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I took my rado to halfrauds and asked one of there 'trained' bods to test fit one in the back that I liked and it went in no probs at all. see pic. (before forum sticker was in picking distance)

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I took my rado to halfrauds and asked one of there 'trained' bods to test fit one in the back that I liked and it went in no probs at all. see pic. (before forum sticker was in picking distance)


Any idea what make the seat is? and is it a 'from birth' seat?

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Its made by Bebe Confort and I'm pretty sure the model is Iseos TT, as tilt and moving sides. I am fairly sure it was a Group 1, so can be used from 9 months when they can support their head to my knowledge, we had a carry cot style seat for the early days - but wouldn't go in the rado.


I'm no expert, but we've had a few child seats now and now I'm back at square one with another child due in June so have been looking for birth ones again... you have one on the way Walesy?


The best way is to go somewhere with a good range to try out (I don't know of any near babylon, but kiddicare is good), with an expert on hand as some are not obvious to fit at first. The 'bucket' style of the rear seats in the corrado makes some baby seats unsuitable. But there are now devices to help level it out...caution required as seats and the belts need certain angles to be effective in an accident so best to consult. Also, some require more width than is offered in a single rear seat in the rado too. I suppose as well it depends if you want something that fits on a push chair aswell. I am going to try a maxi-cosi baby carrier in mine soon as it will go on a push chair. In the rare event that both baby and child will be in the rado I think I will struggle fitting any thing rear facing behind me driving..time will tell.


Enough of this talk, where is that forced induction thread rrraaa, bhp, rarrr, boost.. ;-)


oh, and that 'little-one' is now to blame for the 'corrado-for' sticker in the side window!

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Hi, thanks for the reply! - great info!


Yes we have a baby on the way and have been chopping and changing our minds whether to keep the rado and go through the hassle that would be involved or just sell it and buy another one in a couple of years. Obviously the sensible thing to do would be to get rid, but we really like the particular car we've got so it'll be shame if it's got to go.


I suppose we'd be best off going to Hellfrauds and speaking to an 'expert' like you say.

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Its just those early days where I think you'll stuggle a little, with the seat (if you sit a long way back like me) and with the insane amount of luggage a baby needs - but you have a spare rear seat.. Other than that the Corrado is actually fairly practical for what it is. Children don't need much leg room and the boot is more usable than say something mini sized and not too much smaller than that of a family hatch - people make do with much less practical cars. Also try the push chair out in the boot, some don't fold in a way thats good for the restricted height of the boot.


I would say that now, if my wife didn't have a bigger car the rado would be tricky with 2 children. Perhaps the solution is a rear corrado half trailer..


My son loves the rado, don't deny your 1st born the same pleasure ;-)


I've a great pic in the baby collection of a view of my Storm from the 6th floor of the maternity wing...


I'll bump this post with new born seats when I try them, and perhaps with 2 children in the back..picking forum sitckers.

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