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brakes all screwy

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when I'm pressing down the brake pedal, it feels like I can only press it like.. a few centimeters in, and I can't really brake very well. What could be wrong?

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Does it feel at all spongy? Have you tried bleeding the brakes at all lately? Does the pedal travel a long way, ie will it go all the way to the floor, or nearly?


If it does, the chances are you've got air in your brake line somewhere. Try bleeding the brakes and/or replacing the fluid and see if that improves things.


If it does, but it goes again, or if that doesn't improve things, your master cylinder might well be going or gone (perished seal) and be sucking in air, which will get into the brake line.


Hopefully it won't be that, as the master cylinder's not the cheapest part. However, my brakes aren't the best and, having bled them, it hasn't proved a permanent fix. They work ok but really you should have that firm rod feel to things, and I think replacing my master cylinder is going to be necessary.


When all's said and done, brakes are fairly crucial and it's worth having them in tip-top condition!

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worn pads, worn discs, leaky servo would be the obvious things to check for first

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The pedal doesn't go all the way in, it feels like it won't move at all beyond a certain point. It's like the travel has been cut down to a third. It doesn't feel spongy, but I haven't changed the brake fluid since I got it a year ago, so that might be a bit old.

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