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Hi all got 2 problems for you to get your teeth into and "hopefully"find the answers to solve them.

1/ Last couple of weeks have been getting vibration through the steering at different speeds but mostly about 70 - 85 mph ,where permiting :wink:

have had wheel balancing done new bushs and strut inserts cant afford to keep spending on things that are not the problem :( ,seems to ease off when turning at speed but only a little.

2/ Probably the worst problem is recently my charger has blown off the

rs outlet pipe twice,so I have had to put some emery under my jubilee clip to keep it on !

What also coincsides with this is flat spots almost as if the boost is not getting clear to the motor but irregular not all the time!

Anyone else had this problem .

Any help would be much appreciated.


P.s The charger is a german recon since last November with a 70 mm pully attached.

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1 - could be a defective tyre or damaged wheel, could also be rust making the wheel not sit flat to the disc or the same between the disc and hub... I'd start by swapping tyres front to back and seeing if it makes a difference...


2 - Is it a proper Jubilee clip of the original Terry one?

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Hi Thanx for reply Supercharged

Have tried swapping front to back still the same,would expect it to change if it was this.Also can hear a knocking noise when on and off power !

Also whats a terry clip I bought the rsr second hand it it has a samco hose

and a standard clip.


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Hmm - could be something loose like a bolt or ball joint - I'd get it to a good tyre place and get them to investigate with the car on the ramp (ie no weight on it)


I meant what make clip is it, the original VW ones are made by Terry and are only about 5mm wide - no good for clamping onto silicon hose... get a proper Jubilee clip on it - should be about 1cm wide...

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Is there anywhere on the steering rack that could ware.

It has a standard jubilee clip on it it had 2 at one stage but still came off .

Has anyone had a blockage between the intercooler or after it before.

P.s will try and reply as quick as poss but wil be in and out today.


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Could be a possible build up of oil in the intercooler, check around the intercooler to see if there is any sign of oil blowing into the engine bay. If there is you probably need to flush it out with petrol.

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Thanks Hub

This sounds possible ,can you give me a guide on how to flush through as I will do this tomorrow.

Also if anyone can give me any suggestions i will give it a go.

I am going out tonight but will read them tomorrow a.m and check them out.

Thanks all 4 the help.


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do you get a loud rattling/knocking noise when turning left and or right? if so one or poss both outer cv joints could be worn enough to cause the driveshaft to whirl at speed causing the vibration.also check the inner cv joints for wear and check the mounting splined bolts are all tight and the driveshafts are straight!! all of these would also cause the clunk as you take up drive!

all the best


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