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Which Tuner to choose

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Wasn't sure if I should post this in the Supercharge VR thread but since its more about the tuner I took to creating a new thread. Mods please move if you wish.


I am torn between the 2 tuners.......... :(


Over the last few weeks I've been in contact with


A, Stealth

B, NS Racing

C, Storm Developments


I have to travel from Ireland to get the car properly tuned as nobody can do it here.


Stealth can do all onsite, ie install and tune in 2 days but higher costs.


NS Racing can supply and install in 1 day but I still gotta go see Vince for a map. (Don't like the thoughts of showing up on Vince door with the kit supplied and fitting by someone else)


Storm offer best price using the Rotrex charger which seems a better charger but they reckons they need my car for 5 days!


I was realy considering Storm Developments but after reading some previous posts now I'm not too sure. I spoke with the man there yesterday and he seemed to know his business on the phone.


I have heard alot about Vince replacing the MAF and nobody else seems to do this. Is this a cost cutting exercise by other tuners when supercharging a VR6?


What should I do guys?


How far is NS Racing from Stealth anyway?





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Stealth can do all onsite, ie install and tune in 2 days but higher costs.


They're very good though. It may sound expensive but it's a proper, "optimised on dyno" remap, not an off the shelf generic chip. If the engine needs 20 runs to get a smooth plot, that's how many runs it gets. Some other tuners charge by the hour or per run, but Stealth's very reasonable remap cost of £350 covers it all.


Vince has also built up a good knowledge base on charged VRs, having mapped shed loads of them now (where AmD failed to map a single one properly) and Vince's general forced induction knowledge is also excellent.

And they won't take 5 days to fit it!


NS Racing can supply and install in 1 day but I still gotta go see Vince for a map. (Don't like the thoughts of showing up on Vince door with the kit supplied and fitting by someone else)


Vince won't mind that as Raj and him have an arrangement. Any kits Raj sells, get sent to Vince for mapping because NSRacing don't have the facilities. They have to trailor the car down to Regal (a vauxhall tuner) and use their dyno.


The one stop shop approach at Stealth is the best option imo...... besides, you can fit the charger yourself and then bring it over for mapping to keep costs down.


Storm offer best price using the Rotrex charger which seems a better charger but they reckons they need my car for 5 days!


Best price? When I rang them they wanted nearly 4 grand and the car for 10 days! My Vortech kit cost £2K+VAT. This inconsistent advice they're pumping out doesn't inspire confidence. And whilst on the phone to them, they did nothing but slag off Vortech (which is very unproffessional) and other current methods of charging VR6s because I let on I currently had a Vortech and was looking for a change. Don't be suckered in by their bull. Wait until a few of their kits are out there with 1000s of miles under their belts. Mr Fusion has one of the chargers they use in their kits and we're eagerly awaiting the results, but I wouldn't hand over any money to Storm just yet, personally.


I was realy considering Storm Developments but after reading some previous posts now I'm not too sure. I spoke with the man there yesterday and he seemed to know his business on the phone.


They seem to have a slightly tarnished reputation among a few VW circles, but how much of what is being said about them is true remains a mystery. They do seem knowledgable on the phone etc, but I don't trust them.


I have heard alot about Vince replacing the MAF and nobody else seems to do this. Is this a cost cutting exercise by other tuners when supercharging a VR6?


He takes it off completely. This came about because one of the cars he had in for mapping just wouldn't run properly at all with the MAF connected. So he pulled it and all of a sudden, the engine ran like a peach. Ever since then he's mapped them without a MAF. There are other benefits to losing the MAF but they're all explained in the Charged VR thread.


What should I do guys?


Book it into Stealth!

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@ kevHaywire


Thank you for such a wonderful reply mate. I think you're right. Vicne seems to be the way to go for peace of mind. Storm did put down the Vortech charger when I speaking with him but I didn't want to mention that here.


When you said "besides, you can fit the charger yourself and then bring it over for mapping to keep costs down."


Can I drive the car far with standard setup with charger fitted? Is there anything I need to be aware of in terms of engine running etc?

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