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Jim Bowen

Jim Bowen Corrado VR6 - New engine build

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Hi guys, after nearly 2yrs of wanting one and deciding whether to get one or not i finally bought one.. Am so chuffed


here are some pics



I'm Jim, from Chelmsford area in Essex, am probably gonna be here quite a bit now, would be nice to get to know some fellow Corrado owners 8)

Edited by Jim Bowen

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looking very nice mate, welcome to the world of corrado's, what plans ya got for it, and nice seats, i want :lol:

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i wanna keep it pretty much standard, i'm not one for changing a car too much.


would people advise an aftermarket airfilter? The grill is cracked so gonna replace that.


will probably get a 2nd set of rims for it.


I'm really impressed with the interior, looks perfect to me, very well cared for.


Has a Full service history (every 8-9000miles), 130,000miles on it now, but still feels like new to me. Has had new shocks, top mounts, rear bushes, new discs and pads


i paid £4k

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I'm really impressed with the interior, looks perfect to me, very well cared for.


I'm really impressed with the interior to mate if you ever do wanna get rid of it give me a shout yeah :D but lovely looking car mate good work :salute:

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Welcome to the forum fella... Not a bad price at all for what you apear to have... Front seat are electric recaro which come few and far between....


Keep us posted!!!;)

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thanks guys.


Am really happy with it, drives like a new car, no odd noises.


Are they meant to have a VR6 badge on the front? where can i buy a new grill and badge?

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Really nice find that mate, all specced up and a nice colour.


They have a small VR6 badge on the bottom right of the grill, both the grill and badges crop up on ebay quite often your best bet is to keep looking there for them as VW will rape you for new ones.



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Lovely car. Congratulations on becoming an owner.


Front VR6 badge is no longer available from the dealer. I would almost consider being raped for a new one in return....(note the 'almost!!! :oops: )

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cheers mate :)


most people seem impressed with the seats, they deffo want i wanted, i'd check out a few VR's before getting this one, nearly all of them were let down by bad interiors.

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i'm not at all sure tbh, wouldn't mind something with a similar design to the speedlines but a bit larger, am going to lower it first (one day :lol: ) will see how it looks then, i quite like the speedlines now

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just thought i'd add some of the more recent pics, had jedi-knight from here come and valet it, and also got a VR6 badge for the front







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lookin "sweet as" mate , and as mentioned before the interior is mmmm


oh yeah get a speaker grill on the door ya scruffy sod !! :-)

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