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Head gasket

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Alright Chaps.


I've got a 1.8 16v corrado, which had a small problem the other week whilst driving down the A303...... the head gasket went. :(


Well i thought it had, the water temp shot up to over 110 and the light came on so i slowed quickly, and then bout 30 seconds before i stoped, the oil buzzer and light came on.


I turned the engine off and waited bout 30 minute, and checked the oil, which was still full but all the water had gone ( 3wks previous i hade done and oil change and water change).

and the pipe going in to the engine from the top of the radiator had swollen quiet big.


So i called the AA :lol: he put more water in it and let it run for about 15 minutes and the water boiled really quickly, even though the car temp and his gucci laser temp both said it was bout 85c, he the checked for any exhaust gases in the cooling sytem and the wasn't any,


He was really confused, he thought it was the head gasket but there were no obvious signs pointing to it. :?


i've had a search on the forum with not much luck so


My questions are.........

Has anyone had this problem before?


What is it the problem likely to be?


If it is the head gasket what parts will i need to change and roughly how much will the cost?


Where can i find written or pictorial guide to changing the head gasket so that i dont screw it up?


Cheers for your help in advance.


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a jammed thermostat, dead thermoswitch/fan or dead water pump would cause these kinds of problems...


did the fan come on?

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