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Roger Blassberg

Removing/replacing ftront wheel ABS sensor

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How is the sensor removed from the hub? It appears to be just pressed in. Do I need to take off the disc and ABS rotor and then drive or press it out, or can it be "persuaded" to come out by tapping it on the sides with a (small!) hammer. I don't think that it's a good idea simply to pry it out using a screwdriver bearing against the rotor, or am I being over-cautious?


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It depends - i was lucky and managed to lever it out gently with a screwdriver. That followed a few ours of soaking with WD40. Best bet is to take the disc off as it will make it a good sight easier to clean the mounting hole. The new sensors have a plastic shroud anyway, so that will mean no seizing next time. I still used some copper grease before fitting the new one.

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The original ones came cased in metal and these kind of rust-weld themselves to the hub...


If it's knackered then you can destroy the sensor to get it out but be careful of whats around it... heating it up can be a good idea if it's completly stuck in there...

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Took one out a couple of days ago and i'm afraid to say no amount of 'gentle' leavering and tapping would move it... in the end it came out in about ten pieces. Replacement was £20 from GSF.

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