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My boot

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Been playing, and knocked this up. Never made one before, and i like it, so that the main thing.


From nothing, to this:




To this:





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I havent tried it yet. Wirings not finished in the engine bay, and i dont want to try anything, until its finished.

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cool, in the picture it looks like you can see the carpet behind the hole. There is thought that a sub and 6*9 speakers in that config has problems as when the sub kicks it will push and pull the 6*9's so they will not work very well. It may be worth switching them off as the sub should compensate for the bass.

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Taken from this thread on TalkAudio forum: http://www.talkaudio.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?t=17902



Let's start with the contenious issue of 6x9's mounted in the parcel shelf.


If a system has good front speakers, normally 5 inch or greater, and a sub woofer then the whole range of music can be played effectivly.


If 6x9's are then added in the parcel shelf, and are playing full range the following issues occur..

Bass cancellation, due to the subs and 6x9's playing the same frequencies. It also muddles the sound quite badly. Due to the subs and 6x9's effectively sharing the same enclosure. In some severe cases they can even get destroyed due to the subs pushing too much air around them.


Also in this type of setup the sound is dragged backwards, this is down to personal preference.


If the 6x9's are setup not to play full range they can be useful. If they are set up in a bandpass configuration so they only play midbass. Roughly 300Hz-80Hz then they can add the extra kick which smaller components can't. This is useful for car where getting big speakers up front is a problem. However the sound is still dragged backwards quite badly.


In many situations where midbass can be played from the front it is better in terms of SQ to remove the rear speakers. This way the sub bass cannot be pinpointed so all the sound appears to be coming from the front.



If rear speakers are added for the rear fill affect then things are very different. The high end manufacturers often supply crossovers which provide an output specifically for this purpose. Normally then frequencies put out are in the local/low vocal range. These are also normally around 6-10db quieter than the front comps. This gives the rear passengers the illusion of having a full rang setup in the rear without muddling the front centre image for the driver.


Having these again is down to personal preference, however in my experience I've noticed it being more use in large cars.


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I personally have Comps up front and a sub in boot. I am setting up time alignment at the moment and so far have got the music about a foot in front of me! Its a nice frature on my Alpine HU but I may crash one day while setting it up when driving!!!!!

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Thats what i was assuming?!


Thanks for the link slat, but tbh, i really dont care too much about it. Its relatively cheap, and the main purpose was just to have a go, and see if i could do, whilst also keeping me busy. Which it has done. If it makes the music sound sh1t, then it will come out.



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It will be fine, just a bit of setting up needed. As I said b4, I am a snob when it comes to sound so ignore me!! :p

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that sub box doesn't look like is made from 18mm thick MDF to me which is the minimum thickness you should use. Anything less will flex and sound dreadful.

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Why didnt you go with the space on the passenger side? Much easier, no fuel filler, etc. Agree w/ the foolishness of 6x9's in the parcel shelf. They are also way to close together to sound decent.

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