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Failed MOT today...

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I know! Really irritating, but I suppose everything's electronic now and they'd be in huge trouble with VOSA if they got found out.

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the 2.0 l is still virtualy K-Jet am i wrong. Does it have the air flow meter like the K-Jet because they have a 5MM alen screw that you tweek to adjust the CO2 reading. ive got a bosh fuel injection book for all VW's ill have a look tonight, if its not the same ill see if it tell's you how to adjust it.

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there is no getting around anything now MOTs are all by computer :( :(


i hope the paper filter works... are you getting your free re-tests everytime?

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Yeh, they've been really good- it's had 4 free re-tests, and they're gonna let me have one more. Just spoke to the garage where it's being sorted, and they've adjusted the CO, but it's still too high on fast idle. He also said the paper filter won't make much difference- he thinks it's prob the crappy after market cat, but he's trying the cheaper fixes first.

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ill have a look in my book when i find it and let you know if it says anything.

is it not possible to do something daft like adjust the fuel preassure so it real low like on a diesel, so its not pumping as much fuel in.

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Yeh, they've been really good- it's had 4 free re-tests, and they're gonna let me have one more. Just spoke to the garage where it's being sorted, and they've adjusted the CO, but it's still to high on fast idle. He also said the paper filter won't make much difference- he thinks it's prob the crappy after market cat, but he's trying the cheaper fixes first.


have they checked the pre-cat emissions? Jim's car is too high on emissions but the pre CAT test is OK, so it's the CAT that is kaput.



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first of all from reading my book it sounds like there are two way of altering it. are you sure that the garage adjusted the right screw when the i was at my last MOT and the garage said they were gonna adjust it they use the air screw in the throttle body instead of the 5mm alen screw in the fuel distro buter/ airflow meter.

It also sounds like you can alter the electrohydraulic actuator here is what the book says,

the electrohydraulic actuator consists of a valve on a reed located between magnets. An eclectro-magnet is located in the device so it can either increase or decrease the effect of the magnetic field. As the magnet field changes, the reed can flex back and forth, thereby changing the size of the valve opening. Varying the size of the opening varies the amount of fuel entering the lower chambers of the fuel distrobutor, thus altering the lower chamber pressure. A thin stainless-steel diaphragm spearates the lower from the upper chamber. when the pressure in the lower chamber rises the diaphragm is deflected up, restricting the flow of fuel to the injectors. When the lower pressure decreases the diaphragm is deflected down, increasing the fuel flow to the injectors.

Increasing the current through the electro magnet lowers the pressure in the lower chambers of the fuel distributor, enriching the mixture. Reversing curent increases lower chamber pressure and reduces or even shuts off fuel flow to the injectors. (it then has a picture whis show the electrohydraulic actuator and it points out two screws and makes it look like you can adjust it with these).

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Thanks for your input, guys- much appreciated!


Well, it's finally passed! :D Got a call from my garage today, and after replacing the lambda, it went to 0.30% CO. Rather than risk taking it back to the other test station, I just got them to put it through the rest of the test there and then, as it had already passed the emissions. The cat seems to be the main cause although it is overfuelling slightly. The pre-cat emissions are fine. Also the cat is a tiny, poor quality cheapo unit, that would be better off in a skip. At least now I can save up over the next year and buy a decent one and get the fuelling sorted.


Adam, that sounds interesting- any chance you could scan the pics in?

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Think we're both in the same boat Andy - i've got a dodgy replacement cat on mine that Vince says has all but bitten the dust completely!


GSF list replacements for £75 - less the Corrado Club discount also...

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GSF list replacements for £75


thats more than a replacement BOSCH item no?


would that not be better?

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Is the Bosch one the same as the standard VW one?


Is steel or ceramic better? Have heard that ceramic are better at reducing emissions, but the steel ones last longer. Steel ones seem to be quite a bit more expensive too :?

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Not sure about the GSF one - and to be honest, I thought it was a good price - didn't realise Bosch did one for less than that! :)

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