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Rear brake calipers.

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Hi all,


Quick question..


My right hand rear brake caliper appears to be "loose". The left hand one isn't.

When I say "loose" I mean you can reach through the wheel (or from behind) and grab it, and pull it about. It'll clunk slightly as it (and the caliper carrier) moves about relative to the brake disc. Obviously if the handbrake is on, or your foot is on the pedal, it won't move, but when "free" it moves about a bit.


I've not gone as far as removing the wheel and checking things out yet, I was just wondering what I should look out for.


I had the calipers replaced a very short while ago (5 days in fact) anyway, and they appear to be firmly fixed to the carriers, but...


Any pointers?





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I'd say if you remove the wheel you'll find a loose or missing bolt. Hopefully its just loose so you can re-tighten it.

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But which bolts? The wheel bolts I checked, the hub bolt is surely irrelevant if the wheel bolts are tight..

I suppose I should whip the wheel off.. But it's getting dark... :(

Like I say, the caliper is moving with the carrier, but relative to the disc...

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take it back to the shop. tell them what you told us and have them take a look. brake work is serious, no reputable shop will think twice before checking their work just to be sure.

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I took the wheel off.

My first assumption was wrong - the caliper is moving (slightly) relative to the carrier. This at least means the carrier is fixed firmly to the suspension.

What it does mean is that the caliper is not 100% tight against the carrier though. I looked - the bolts aren't obviously loose, but I didn't wanna start undoing anything because of the time (and darkness).

I will take it back in, but I wanted to understand the problem more so that I knew if it was VITAL or just "a good idea" to get it sorted... :)


I think it's pretty safe, so it's just "a good idea" :)


Think I'll load up ekta and take a look at the diagrams.





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Brakes + ANY Problem = serious EVERY time...


Don't mess with the brakes, they're the most important part of the car... It don't matter how fast your car goes, if it won't stop when it needs to, then you're in deep $#!t! :(


As has been said, take it back ASAP and take it steady on the way there... It's far better to feel a bit of a prat if you've just mis-understood how it fits together than being splattered against a tree (or worse, innocent by-standers) when the brakes do something unexpected... :shock:

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