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rear brake disc removal and changing

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Hey Guys


Need to change my rear brake disc in the next few days, is it just a case of new bearings and discs and straight swop?? or is it more complicated??



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You have to take the entire caliper off as well and often the carrier bolts are seized... :roll:


I'd change the pads as well.

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if the bolts are seized someone on here told me to wack a 15mm socket over them if the round off and belive me that worked a treat.

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yeah you do. but i used some flat pices of metal a socket and a f*** off big G clamp. your local garage will press them in for some money in their tea kitty i would have thought.

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The bolts take a 9mm or soemthing hex, I managed to snap mine when trying to remove one.

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The bolts take an 8mm hex. It's a good idea to give them a good soaking in WD40 or equivalent for several days before you try them (Actually, if you can get it Wurth Rost Off Ice is the best stuff).


Best wishes



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Give the head of the bolts a couple of good sharp wacks with a hammer and punch, that'll help free it off too.

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