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Aftermarket door pods - do they look oem?

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They look ok, I would personally prefer if they didnt have the badge, but thats me being picky.


Speaking of which, howcome you have an early light switch? :?: :lol:

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tell me about it! You may be picky but you have a keen eye, the car had one owner from new fvwsh when i bought it but its a late m plate with an early light switch. I have no idea why, any how its been sticking lately so i have bought a later correct switch from a scrappy for £5, i just havent got round to fitting it yet, i presume its a 10 second job? pop the old switch out, disconnect it, connect the new one and click it in place? why are the easiest and quickest jobs always the last ones to get done?

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If you take the badges off and put some acoustic cloth in them so you can't see what's in them, then I'd say they were pretty stealth.


TBH, unless you know what you're looking for I doubt most people would notice them...

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I think they're crackin' personally. Seen a few sets and think that whilst hoofin great door pods are never gonna look OEM, they look so nice and well built that they blend into the interior perfectly.

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thanks, they are indeed audioscape, i think the guys that wanna buy them have shot themselves in the foot, the fact they like them so much they want to buy them has convinced me to keep them - sorry guys. i think were all in agreememt - need to loose the gold badges

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they look great to me too. i want mine to look like that! are the audioscape?


Indeed they are, although mine have silver badges, not gold ones - I'm not sure if you can ask for either or if they only use the silver ones now or not.

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