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Alarm System Q's

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Hey all 8)


Last time I went on a hunt for why my leccy windows wasn't working, I found an alarm system hiding behind one of the panels by the left hand side of the driver side footwell.


Always knew this was there, but thought it was a dummy. So took it off and followed the wire, low and behold it went straight to the alarm system.




Now when I took the alarm system out, I noticed this fuse holder:




These are what came out, keeping the original positions, 1+2 had 10 on it, and 3+4 had 5 on it, now that's only 4 when there's 5 holes, how can I find out what goes in the last one?




Rear of the alarm box:




Front (All 6 switches are off)




Number on the the:




Bearing in mind, I don't have a key/fob for it, but I'd rather know that it works before I start digging deep into getting a key for it, surely if I find out what fuse goes in there and switch it all on, then lock the car or such, then the red light on the dash would come on?


Another ting, I can't find any imformation about this system either :?


Thanks :D

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Is there a siren in the engine bay?? If not, it might have been removed. Otherwise it might have more identification details on it. My sigma one does.

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Whatcha mean siren? Do you have a pic as what to look for :)


Actually that's a silly question, I'll go check now.

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I mean the speaker bit that makes the noise. usually bolted to the bulkhead, or around that area. Mine is on the Bulkhead pointing down on the passenger side of the car.

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The siren is on the left of the picture. Yours might look like it, or it might not. :D

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Siren WOOWOO.jpg






There's no other stamping or moulding marks on it?


It appears that Getronic is a german electronics firm http://www.getronic.com/ but I can't read German, and it doesn't look like they knock alarms up any more, just components.


The Warranty stamp saying 02/94 suggests it's aftermarket I wonder if anyone else has one still fitted, maybe they'll recognise the siren? got any recipts from around that era? Suppose you could try your local alarm fitters.

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Toad, hehe :)


cant really see anything else on it, but i'll check it over again just in case!


also found this site, http://www.gtalarmbp.hu/ might try translating it too. Good idea about the reciepts too, I've got a load!


Cheers for the help too.


oh and this http://www.gtalarm.it/


Not in english again though :lol:


edit again: noticed it says gt11 on the top of the back of mine.


found this




....no i dont have no idea either!



edit 342: from that diagram, i noticed that the actual siren is called gt42, but i think the system is called GT11.

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edit again: noticed it says gt11 on the top of the back of mine.


found this




....no i dont have no idea either!


That looks like the honey!! The siren is marked GT42 on that pic so you're on the right street. phone up some installers and say you've got a GT 11 alarm and see what they say.


Think that's hungarian isn't it? There seems to be a Goulash recipie about hafway down.


Edit 97864. i see you beat me to it on the GT42 malarky :)

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Whoops, should've added. Beings it was almost 5 o clock, I tried 2 places and one didn't do car alarms, then I rang another (Where their site said they did car alarms). Convo went:




"Hi mate, found an alarm system in my car an..."




"I found an alarm system in my car and was wondering i.."


"Don't do them"


*He hangs up*


Bloody charmer eh :?


Will ring some more up tomorrow afternoon though :)

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Whoops, should've added. Beings it was almost 5 o clock, I tried 2 places and one didn't do car alarms, then I rang another (Where their site said they did car alarms). Convo went:




"Hi mate, found an alarm system in my car an..."




"I found an alarm system in my car and was wondering i.."


"Don't do them"


*He hangs up*


Bloody charmer eh :?


Will ring some more up tomorrow afternoon though :)



Bait him!! Phone him again today and ask him again, then tommorrow!! See what he says!!

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Toad, hahahha good idea :lol:


exturbo2003, cheers mate if you don't mind, although i've got a phone number now for GT UK :)

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Rang up that GT company, they said they doon't make them no more.


Contacted thse : http://www.starmoauto.co.uk/gt_alarms.html


They said because of it's age I'll truggle to find one :(


Surely there's a key out there somewhere!


edit:Might take out the interior tomorrow to see if there's a key hidden somewhere and see what else I can find :lol:

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Just spoke to a friend of mine who works in Motor World about it, he said there's something called "self coding keys"..which is self explanetory, which he can order for me if I have no luck anywhere else. :)

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