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I now own a swimming pool in the C !!!

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Morning People.


Well about a week ago I got into my C and found the rear Passanger floor was a swimming pool. ( Car was parked level ) so I immedeatly got onto the forum and searched for this problem. Yay it come up with things to check e.g sunroof drian holes, door membrane, scuttle panel. Yesterday I checked the sunroof drain holes, there not blocked. Then I put new membrane in the doors and also ducked tape the edges just to make sure. Finally I cleaned out the scuttle panel and made sure it was clear.


This morning when I got in, I checked the car and its still leaking.

(There are no signs on the side of the carpets or roof lining that its leaking.)



So Is there any where else it could be leaking from and/or have I missed something ?


Thanks Vaughn

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My windscreen is poorly sealed and it leaks from there. I thought I'd solved it with silicon sealant (not pretty, but it'll work till I can get it done properly) but it's still leaving from the front left of the car.


One technique is to put tissue paper round where you suspect the leak to be, then get a hosepipe (or watering can) on it and then look and see where the tissue has got wet. Should help narrow it down.


When the spoiler is up and the car is stationary it'll leak from there into the boot...

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