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central locking prob

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As from yesterday, when i unlock my car, the door pin on the passenger side moves slightly and then back to the locked position and i cannot open the passenger door. The car has a Clifford alarm and immobiliser fitted.


What could be the cause and the possibel cure??


Is there any way to get the door open or the doorcard off with the door still locked shut??


Very lost at what to do!!!



matt :(

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sounds like its the latch mech............mine did it a few months ago.........new latch time and if you are mega careful you can get the card off with very minimal damage

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with the door still locked??? how??

i had the door off a while back investigating a leak but could not get the whole thing off. stuck on something down by the speaker. was there a screw i missed???

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with the door still locked??? how??

i had the door off a while back investigating a leak but could not get the whole thing off. stuck on something down by the speaker. was there a screw i missed???



yes ,my mate did it for me,the only damage being a very minor rip beside the end of a screw hole............tho I seem to remember there being a hidden screw at the speaker also.

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with the door still locked??? how??

i had the door off a while back investigating a leak but could not get the whole thing off. stuck on something down by the speaker. was there a screw i missed???



yes ,my mate did it for me,the only damage being a very minor rip beside the end of a screw hole............tho I seem to remember there being a hidden screw at the speaker also.

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