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Water and oil temp

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Have just a new head gasket fitted amongst almost everything else connected with the cooling system.

Picked the car up yesterday and on the way back home last night the temp guage never really got off the bottom needle?

I checked the oil temp as well and that was showing 78deg the highest that got to was 92?


Is that normal??..I know it was bloody cold last night and I had the heater on most of the journey (down from Storubridge to swindon) but should the in car temps have stayed that low or do I now probably have a thermostat problem?


Fuel economy seemed to be down a bit too...prior to the change it was about 35 on a long journey but I struggled to hit 30 this time.

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I presume it was leaking...the car was losing water out of the pressure vent at the back of the expansion tank.


the garage down here did a test for combustion gases in the coolant and found some.The hoses were also rock under when the car was up to temp so as a result a new gasket was fitted under warranty.

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My Rado often runs with the oil at 110+. The engine is getting a going over and an oil leak sorting soon, so hopefully that will solve the problem

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not really...just replaced it.

Noticed this morning when standing the traffic lights the temp went up to about 100 but once i got moving at "normal" speeds the temp went right back down again.??

Oil went up to about 995ish then back down to 78-80 once moving...ODD!!

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maybe thermostat is stuck open or they can botch up the thermostat so that its broken and put back in the housing to that the flange still fits onto the engine but in fact there is no thermostat in place.

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